A Linux (or Mac OS X) node with the following software installed. Ubuntu 14.04 is preferred.
Installing them on Ubuntu/Debian:
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3 python-dev python-virtualenv git
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/AamAadmiParty/cleansweep.git
$ cd cleansweep
setup virtualenv
$ virtualenv .
activate the virtualenv
$ source bin/activate
Install dependent python packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create database user
$ sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
create database for cleansweep
$ createdb cleansweep
Init the app by adding you as admin. It'll prompt you for your name, email and phone number.
$ python manage.py init
Your Name: ______
E-mail address: ______
Phone: ______
run the webapp
python manage.py runserver
Visit the website at: http://localhost:5000/
Look at the helloworld module to learn about how to a component works in cleansweep.
This software is licensed under AGPLv3.