Aarhus-University-MPE / BioDiscover

Species Recognition System, designed to capture and store images of insects as well as controll the SRS system.
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Species Recognition System (SRS)

Software designed to capture and store images of macroinvertebrates using the the SRS system.

Change log

v1.9.0.0 Reworked Detection Algorithm

Previous Method:

New Method:


Reworked GUI

Implemented run-time stats

Minor Changes


Implemented local camera ID system to support several systems.

Main Systems

Modified Camera ID connection algorithm.

Arduino Changes

Added Camera ID to Linear Actuator flash.

Added Camera ID request to Linear Actuator Script.


Fixed error with binary filter threshold.

Fixed error with blue plane extract memory allocation

Added detection error in Stats pane

Fixed error with camera view scaling


Added new data file (one row per image) containing: