Aaron-Sterling / extended-angular-firestore

Lightweight extension of Angular Firestore. Provides a more intuitive API. Create, Update, Add-or-Update (Upsert), Check for Existence, Download Once, Download and Listen for Changes.
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angular angular2 angularfire2 firebase firestore ionic


Lightweight extension of Angular Firestore. Provides a more intuitive API. Create, Update, Insert-or-Update (Upsert), Check for Existence, Download Once, Download and listen for changes.

  1. Installation
  2. Sample Usage
  3. Design Concept
  4. Setup

Next page: API


npm install extended-angular-firestore --save

Sample Usage

import { ExtendedAngularFirestore } from 'extended-angular-firestore';

export class Example {

  constructor(eaf: ExtendedAngularFirestore) {

    const ref = 'reference string to Firestore database location';
    const doc: DocType = documentOfYourChoiceHere;

    eaf.createNewDocument<DocType>(ref, doc); // creates a new doc at reference ref
    eaf.updateExistingDocument<DocType>(ref, doc); // updates existing document with value doc
    eaf.upsert<DocType>(ref, doc); // updates the document if it exists
                                   // otherwise, creates a new document at reference ref

Design Concept

The goal of the API is to help the programmer manage Observable Subscriptions, so you only ask for exactly what you want. You can either ask to download a document or a collection exactly once, in which case you get back a Promise that resolves to the value of the document you are requesting. Or you can listen to a document or a collection, in which case you get back an Observable you can subscribe to (and might have to unsubscribe from). This structure has helped me avoid annoying double-request errors where I failed to unsubscribe from a stream I hadn't realized I was still subscribed to.

This package also handles existence/nonexistence gracefully, which has been a weakness of both Firebase and Firestore in the past. To create or modify a document, simply use the Upsert method, which does the existence checking for you.

Finally, the API extension is lightweight -- about 100 lines of TypeScript and three RXJS operators (which AngularFire may already need).


In app.module.ts, import ExtendedAngularFirestoreModule, instead of AngularFireModue, as follows.

Delete this line:


Replace it with this line:


In more complete context:

import { ExtendedAngularFirestoreModule } from 'extended-angular-firestore';
import { FirebaseAppConfig } from 'angularfire2';

const FIREBASE_CONFIG: FirebaseAppConfig = {
    apiKey: '<your-key>',
    authDomain: '<your-project-authdomain>',
    databaseURL: '<your-database-URL>',
    projectId: '<your-project-id>',
    storageBucket: '<your-storage-bucket>',
    messagingSenderId: '<your-messaging-sender-id>'

  declarations: [],
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: []
export class AppModule { }

AngularFire2 is a peer dependency of ExtendedAngularFirestore, so if you use npm to install this library, angularfire2 will be available to import from as well.

Next page: API