AaronForce1 / cartopress

CartoDB Plugin for Wordpress
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A CartoDB Client for WordPress

CartoPress is a plugin for WordPress that links CartoDB, an open-source and API-driven web-mapping platform, to the world's most popular content management system.

One of a kind: While there are multitudes of other plugins providing mapping support, most are exclusively Google Maps-based instead of based on open-source solutions such as Leaflet; few are focused on geo-referencing your WordPress content; and CartoPress is the first to specifically target CartoDB.

Your data, your maps, no hassle: CartoPress was built to provide the ability to turn your WordPress-based site into a geo-CMS using the CartoDB platform, allowing you to design dynamic interactive maps and geo-spatial appliations from your existing WordPress data. While CartoPress allows you to add robust geolocation to your WordPress posts, pages and media, CartoDB brings infinite possibilites of mapping and visualization. CartoPress makes use of CartoDB's powerful APIs to act as a bridge, enabling you to easily import your WordPress data directly into your CartoDB account. Add or update points on your map simply by adding or updating a post!




Installation is as simple as any other WordPress plugin. Just upload the zip file to the plugins directory in your WordPress distribution and ACTIVATE! The recent stable release should be located in the WordPress plugins directory, while this GitHub repository will be used for development purposes.

CartoPress requires at least a free CartoDB account. Once your have your account created, all you need is your API Key and your username to get started. CartoPress can automatically generate your CartoDB table and add all the required field sets - linking the two platforms with ease.

Check out the CartoPress documentation for instruction on basic setup and usage and information for developers. Check out CartoDB's documentation for information on using the CartoDB editor, styling and publishing maps.


CartoPress requires at least WordPress 4.3.


Since this is our first ever WordPress plugin, we would love all the help we can get! Our aim is to make to CartoPress as extendable as possible for developers and ideas for improving the existing codebase or adding new features will definitely be taken to heart.

See the documentation for notes on how CartoPress works and accessing the PHP API generated documentation

Please use the GitHub issue reporting tool to report bugs in the existing build and request additional features or enhancements.

Please see our todo list to see what we have planned for future releases. CartoPress uses GPLv2 so feel free to use as you wish!