AaronGhost / glslsmith

Random program generator for the GLSL languages
Apache License 2.0
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glslsmith is a random shader generator developed to find bugs in GLSL compilers. The generator code can be found as part of the Graphicsfuzz repository. This repository contains scripts codes which enable to install and run automatically the generator to identify bugs.

The bugs found so far thanks to the tool can be found in the https://github.com/AaronGhost/glslsmith-bugs-tracker/issues. You are more than welcome to add your own bugs in the repository.


The graphicsfuzz component of the project requires maven to run. For Debian-based distribution run:

apt install maven

Clone the repository and run the install command with python3 from the root of the project.

python3 install.py

You can manually edit the resulting config file (located in scripts/config.xml) to add or change the settings of a non-functioning compiler.

By default, the script install glsl-reduce as default reducer, it is discouraged to change that behaviour. Extra reducers can however be added. Please note, the project does not support multi-threading for the reducer.

An example of config file is given below

Running the project

To run the project in continuous mode and look for potential bug in graphics compiler, use the execute_glslsmith script.

By default execute_glslsmith generates a single batch of shaders, execute them as either interesting or not and keep the resulting shaders in glslsmithoutput/keptshaders. Corresponding buffers can be found in glslsmithoutput/keptbuffers

cd scripts
python3 execute_glslsmith.py

To launch the project in autonomous mode, provide the following options:

To change the reducer used, pass the extra --reducer REDUCER_NAME option.

Please note, by default time-outs will not be reduced.

Getting statistics about current kept shaders

The stats_buffer scripts enables to get some statistics about the kept shaders. To work correctly, you will need both the shaders and the buffers outputs (in glslsmithoutput/keptshaders and glslsmithoutput/keptbuffers)

python3 stats_buffer.py

By default, the script only reports summary information. To get more extensive information about the shaders showing different values with one of the compiler, run

python3 stats_buffer.py --report-seed COMPILER

If you are looking at a file and want to know which compiler presented a different value:

python3 stats_buffer.Py --report-seed all | grep 4_LAST_DIGITS

Performing manual reduction

The script which helps with manual reduction is reduction_helper.py:

python3 reduction_helper.py --shader-name SHADER

By default, the script erases the buffers and the post-processed shader at the end of the execution.

A typical manual reduction includes a couple of calls to verify if an error code is produced with:

python3 reduction_helper.py --shader-name SHADER --no-cleaning

And potential calls to (to verify if the post-processing is needed to create the bug):

python3 reduction_helper.py --shader-name SHADER --no-cleaning --no-postprocessing

You can also reduce the file directly on the post-processed version of the shader (the file is a bit more difficult to read).

Performing automatic reduction

Use automate_reducer.py to perform automatic reduction:

To force the reduction of shaders which times out, pass the extra option

python3 automate_reducer.py --test-file-name SHADER_NAME --reduce-timeout

To collect statistics, on the reduction attempts (time and number of test calls):

python3 automate_reducer.py --test-file-name SHADER_NAME --instrumentation
python3 automate_reducer.py --batch-reduction --instrumentation

Trouble-shouting the framework

Trouble-shouting the GraphicsFuzz installation

Example of config file

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
            <otherenvs> </otherenvs>
            <otherenvs> </otherenvs>
            <otherenvs> </otherenvs>
            <command>mvn -f [ROOT]/graphicsfuzz/pom.xml -pl reducer exec:java "-Dexec.mainClass=com.graphicsfuzz.reducer.tool.GlslReduce" -Dexec.args="[ROOT]/test.json [ROOT]/interesting.sh --output=[ROOT]/"</command>

Manually reinstall graphicsFuzz

cd graphicsfuzz
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=True install