AaronPLopez / Soccer

Soccer -- (Arc)SOC Scanner. Soccer is a command-line utility scanning and reading the services' status on a specific ArcGIS Server folder. It then writes this data to a CSV file for post-capture analysis. It takes advantage of the REST Admin's Service Report resource in ArcGIS Server to gather this info.
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Date: 2024/01/17

Soccer -- (Arc)SOC Scanner


Soccer is a utility scanning and reading the services' status on a specific ArcGIS Server folder. It then parses this data and writes it out to a CSV file for additional post-capture analysis. It takes advantage of the REST Admin's Service Report resource (https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/enterprise-administration/server/servicesreport.htm) in ArcGIS Server to gather this info. The original goal of soccer was to capture the report endpoint output of a specific folder in ArcGIS Server and save the ArcSOC instance statistics (e.g., Running, Busy, Maximum, etc...) for each service.

Currently, soccer is a command-line only utility.
The tool is made available in the .NET 8.0 portable runtime for Windows (win-x64), Linux (linux-x64) and macOS (osx-x64). Binaries for osx-arm64 and win-arm64 have been recently added (separate downloads).

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System Requirements:

Usage (Windows):

soccer.exe -s "[https://ArcGISServer/ServerWebAdaptor]" -f [FolderToScan] -t "[PreGeneratedArcGISToken]" -i [RefreshInSeconds] -o [OutputDirectoryForResults] -n [NameOfCSVFile] -a true

Usage Examples (Windows):

soccer.exe -s "https://gisserver.domain.com/server" -f MAPS -t "SqyWOcKZp9stZ_C01DQ.." -i 5

CSV Output

The CSV file writes over 20 data columns with every iteration (default is every 5 seconds). Every service folder in the folder of interest will get a line written to the CSV file. Data fields like: "DateTime,Epoch,IntervalSeconds,Folder and Message" are the same for all the services. The Message column reports a "success" if the service report endpoint could be read or a brief reason why it could not. Unique fields (per each service) include information such as:

CSV Sample:


12/29/2022 12:36:21 AM,1672274181104,20,gisserver.domain.com,MAPS,AverageDailyTraffic,MapServer,ArcObjects11,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,2012.1462,8762,STOPPED,STOPPED,success 12/29/2022 12:36:21 AM,1672274181104,20,gisserver.domain.com,MAPS,CitrusIrrigation,MapServer,ArcObjects11,2,0,10,2,8,0,0,0,3,2012.1462,8762,STARTED,STARTED,success 12/29/2022 12:36:21 AM,1672274181104,20,gisserver.domain.com,MAPS,TrafficSignalLights,MapServer,ArcObjects11,3,0,10,3,7,0,0,0,3,2012.1462,8762,STARTED,STARTED,success


Build (Prerelease)

  1. Port of Soccer to .NET 8.0

Build (Prerelease)

  1. Fixed an issue that prevented soccer from collecting against ArcGIS Server on port 6443
  2. Minor simplification of the internal cookie that gets passed to ArcGIS Server
  3. Added condition specific error messages to the recorded output, if they are encountered
  4. Due to a api.nuget.org issue on win-x64 binaries are available for this release

Build (Prerelease)

  1. Enhanced the verbosity of the message field for errors to provide more information
  2. Added the append option (-a) to reuse a previously generated data file; must be used with the output filename (-n) option
  3. The output file now lists the passed in host and folder values even if soccer could not connect to the remote host
  4. Added more information to the console as soccer runs

Build (Prerelease)

  1. Fixed typo in the command-line help that would report the incorrect version for soccer
  2. Binary build using the .NET 6 SDK 6.0.413 (.NET Runtime 6.0.21)

Build (Prerelease)

  1. Fixed a condition that could cause soccer to crash if the ArcGIS Server itself went offline or was unavailable

Build (Prerelease)

  1. Initial release