AashnaNarang / SurveyLab

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Weekly Standup - March 22nd, 2022 #48

Open AashnaNarang opened 2 years ago

AashnaNarang commented 2 years ago

Comment below:

  1. What you got done in the past week
  2. Do you have any roadblocks?
  3. What do you plan to get done this week?
JudyHamwi commented 2 years ago
  1. extracted the TextQuestion component from the createSurvey page, refactored the MultipleChoice component and the createSurvey component for the FrontEnd.
  2. none
  3. I will work on issue#31 which is updating the textQuestion and MCquestion API to include order number.
Vasugi14 commented 2 years ago
  1. Writing APIs for Survey Responders and for MC Responses and Text Responses. Went through some examples of Rspec for unit testing of APIs.
  2. Struggling with testing of APIs through Postman, since I am still getting the hang of things there are some minor setbacks.
  3. Continue with APIs.
AashnaNarang commented 2 years ago
  1. Created the modal to share the survey link, finished the submit survey logic, and created the page for displaying/responding to surveys.. Currently working on the text response component
  2. None
  3. Help finish up the use survey feature and prep for the demo
AndrewHall797 commented 2 years ago
  1. Created the sorting for the survey questions
  2. Some confusion on how we are doing front end structure
  3. finish up my front end tasks