AashnaNarang / SurveyLab

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Version Numbers

Ruby version = 3.0.3 Rails version = Node Version = any Python version = 2.7.18 PostgreSQL version = 14.2

Setup Instructions

  1. Go to https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and install node js
  2. Follow the instructions here to install yarn https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#windows-stable
  3. Go to https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ and install Ruby version 3.0.3 with dev kit
  4. Check that the version is correct by running ruby --version in a terminal in your IDE
  5. Run bundle install in the project root folder to download all the required gems locally
  6. Run yarn install in the project root folder to download the required modules locally
    1. If you run into any issues with python not being found, please follow the solution described here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45801457/node-js-python-not-found-exception-due-to-node-sass-and-node-gyp
  7. Run rails db:migrate in the project root folder
    1. Note: If you don't see any output after running this command try running bin/rails db:migrate instead.
  8. Run rails s and navigate to localhost:3000

Project State


Sprint 1 - February 11 - 25

Sprint 2 - February 25 - March 8th

Sprint 3 - March 8th - March 25th

Sprint 4 - March 25th - April 8th