Below you will find some information on how to use the PUMA Simulator.
This emulator was created as part of the PUMA work presented at ASPLOS 2019.
Paper: (see details on architecture and compiler here).
Lightning Talk:
Below you can find the system requirements and versions tested.
Requirement | Version |
OS: Ubuntu | 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus) |
Python | 2.7.12 |
sudo apt-get install python-tk
sudo pip install
sudo pip install -r <dpe_emulate>/requirements.txt
If you are behind a proxy, you should type sudo pip --proxy $http_proxy install ...
For testing if everything is working fine:
cd <puma-simulator>/src
Then, you should see some results like:
('Cycle: ', 8783, 'Tile halt list', [1, 1, 0, 1])
('Cycle: ', 8784, 'Tile halt list', [1, 1, 0, 1])
('Cycle: ', 8785, 'Tile halt list', [1, 1, 0, 1])
('Cycle: ', 8786, 'Tile halt list', [1, 1, 1, 1])
cycle: 8786 Node Halted
Finally node halted | PS: max_cycles 10000
('Dumping tile num: ', 0)
('Dumping tile num: ', 1)
('Dumping tile num: ', 2)
('Dumping tile num: ', 3)
Output Tile dump finished
Success: Hadrware results compiled!!
This emulator executes models compiled by PUMA Compiler (
After you compile a model using the compiler, in order to execute it with the DPE emulator, follow the steps below:
1- Copy
2- Edit
3- Execute the script
4- Look at the number of tiles generated by the compiler for ths model and update the value of "num_tile_compute" entry in
5- Go to emulator src directory (
python2 -n <model_name>
Please cite the following paper if you find this work useful:
Aayush Ankit, Plinio Silveira, Glaucimar Aguiar