AbanteAI / rawdog

Generate and auto-execute Python scripts in the cli
Apache License 2.0
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An CLI assistant that responds by generating and auto-executing a Python script.


You'll be surprised how useful this can be:

Rawdog (Recursive Augmentation With Deterministic Output Generations) is a novel alternative to RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation). Rawdog can self-select context by running scripts to print things, adding the output to the conversation, and then calling itself again.

This works for tasks like:

Please proceed with caution. This obviously has the potential to cause harm if so instructed.


  1. Install rawdog with pip:

    pip install rawdog-ai
  2. Export your api key. See Model selection for how to use other providers

    export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-api-key
  3. Choose a mode of interaction.

    Direct: Execute a single prompt and close

    rawdog Plot the size of all the files and directories in cwd

    Conversation: Initiate back-and-forth until you close. Rawdog can see its scripts and output.

    >>> What can I do for you? (Ctrl-C to exit)
    >>> > |

Optional Arguments

Model selection

Rawdog uses litellm for completions with 'gpt-4-turbo-preview' as the default. You can adjust the model or point it to other providers by modifying ~/.rawdog/config.yaml. Some examples:

To use gpt-3.5 turbo a minimal config is:

llm_model: gpt-3.5-turbo

To run mixtral locally with ollama a minimal config is (assuming you have ollama installed and a sufficient gpu):

llm_custom_provider: ollama
llm_model: mixtral

To run claude-2.1 set your API key:

export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-api-key

and then set your config:

llm_model: claude-2.1

If you have a model running at a local endpoint (or want to change the baseurl for some other reason) you can set the llm_base_url. For instance if you have an openai compatible endpoint running at http://localhost:8000 you can set your config to:

llm_base_url: http://localhost:8000
llm_model: openai/model # So litellm knows it's an openai compatible endpoint

Litellm supports a huge number of providers including Azure, VertexAi and Huggingface. See their docs for details on what environment variables, model names and llm_custom_providers you need to use for other providers.