Abbaasiz / travel_away

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Travel Away

Welcome to the repository for the "Travel Away". This repository houses the visual blueprints for a comprehensive travel booking website, designed to facilitate user-friendly navigation and interaction for booking and exploring travel services.


Travel away is a website that provides information to travellers about exciting travel destinations around the world. Information about attractions, local food and travel tips are provided to encourage travellers to book a place to travel with Travel Away.

It provides visually appealing travel related content so that users are encouraged to book a place to travel with the agency.

The website provides travellers with information about services offered to make their travel experience smooth and stress free if they were to travel with Travel Away. This information is useful for travellers to help them decide whether they want to travel with travel away, and to plan their trip.

User Stories


These wireframes are intended to guide the development and design phases of the website.

Repository Structure

This repository is organized into folders corresponding to each primary section of the website. Each folder contains the wireframe files along with a brief description document for each represented page. Below is the structure of these directories:

Homepage wireframe


We encourage contributions to improve these wireframes. To contribute:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch for your updates (git checkout -b feature-enhance-wireframes).
  3. Make changes or additions.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Enhance destination wireframes').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-enhance-wireframes).
  6. Create a new Pull Request.



A bug occurred when the incorrect gitpod account was used after running out of hours. To address the issue, the workspace was saved to the desktop, and the code was copied to a new workspace under the CI student account.


Booking Page

Gallery Page

Services Page

