AbdelAdrian / Eldritch_Magic

Kit Mod for BG:EE, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE
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[MOD] Eldritch Magic v1.65

BG:EE v2.3, BGII:EE v2.3, IWD:EE v1.4

Author: Eric.McLaughlin@Alumni.StonyBrook.edu "EM" prefix reserved by Abdel_Adrian (https://forums.beamdog.com/profile/Abdel_Adrian) as of June 23rd, 2015 (http://www.blackwyrmlair.net/prefixes/).

Mod Features:

Kits (BG:EE/BG2:EE/IWD:EE):                                         Class:                      Required Tome for Multiclass Kits (Pre-2.0):

    Abyssal Warrior - Chaotic Neutral/Evil, Tiefling warrior with minor demonic abilities               (Fighter kit)*                  N/A

    Bladesinger - Good, Elf, Fighter/Mage specializing in arcane magic & single-weapon style, loyal         (Fighter/Mage or Bard kit)*         N/A
        to Bladesinger's Guild.
        Changes to all Bards: Elven Bards enabled, Fighter APR & proficiencies (first level & rate),
        Fighter max proficiences for first & other levels, bards may now wear helmets and robes,
        & use fighter-only potions. Bard spell progression becomes that of mages while XP/level
                    reflects that of a fighter/mage multiclass.

    Collector - Neutral/Chaotic Good, Elf, Fighter/Mage/Thief loyal to Collector's Guild.               (Fighter/Mage/Thief kit)    COMING SOON Manual of Artifact Collecting

    Eldritch Knight - Any alignment, Elf/Half-Elf Fighter/Mage w/ Green-Flame Blade & Booming Blade cantrips    (Fighter/Mage kit)*             Tome of Eldritch Secrets

    Elven Minstrel - Non-lawful, Good/Neutral, Elf/Half-Elf, Mage/Thief-esque Demi-Bard.                (Bard kit)          COMING SOON N/A

    Herbalist - Good, Elf/Half-Elf Priest of the Seldarine w/ Druidic influence                 (Cleric kit)                    N/A

    Huntsman - Any non-lawful alignment, Elf, Fighter/Thief hunter.                         (Fighter/Thief kit)     COMING SOON Sylvan Hunting Techniques

    Infiltrator - Neutral/Chaotic Good, Elf, Fighter/Mage/Thief, loses racial bonuses.              (Fighter/Mage/Thief kit)*   COMING SOON Infiltrator's Manuscripts

    Priest of Mystra - Good/Neutral, Half-Elf, Cleric/Mage kit.                         (Cleric/Mage kit)*              Wizard-Clerics of Mystra

    Priestess of Lolth - Chaotic Evil, Female, Drow Priestess of the Demon Queen of Spiders.            (Cleric kit)*                   N/A

    Spellfilcher - Non-lawful, Good/Neutral, Elf, Mage/Thief w/ Detect Magic, loyal to the Spellfilcher Guild.  (Mage/Thief kit)        COMING SOON Spellfilcher's License

    Undead Hunter - Paladin kit usually restricted to humans, enables elven baseclass paladins and undead hunters   (Paladin kit)*                  N/A
        Allows elves to be baseclass paladins, but all elven paladins should kit as undead hunters.

    War Wizard - Good/Neutral, Elf, Fighter/Mage w/ defensive passives and offensive innates            (Fighter/Mage kit)*             The Elven Arts of War and Wizardry

    Wilderness Runner - Chaotic Good, Elf, Ranger more in-tune with nature, but less civilized.         (Ranger kit)                    N/A

    Windrider - Good, Elf, aerial cavalry w/ Armor Class and Proficiency penalties.                 (Fighter kit)                   N/A

    Clergy of the Seldarine - Elven & Half-Elven Cleric, Druid, and Ranger kits.                                    COMING SOON


    EE: Item Expansion [BETA]**     - Adds numerous items to existing merchants; inadvisable to uninstall with an active playthrough. Includes High Level Abilities (HLAs) for BGEE, but not SoD.

    Congenio's Pebble Collection        - Allows multiple Ioun stones to stack without using any equipment slots.
                        WARNING: Ioun stones that use Opcode "Stat: Maximum HP Modifier [18]" work differently than others. In order for the HP modifier to be removed when the Ioun stone is, the HP modifier cannot be saved and loaded. In other words, if you save with the Pale Green Ioun Stone and/or Wong Fei's Ioun Stone equipped in orbit, you must equip them again upon loading to receive the HP modifier.

Instructions: (1) Download Eldritch_Magic folder to game directory (BGEE = 00766, BG2EE = 00783, IWDEE = 00798, SoD = 00806). (2) Move setup-Eldritch_Magic.exe (WeiDU v239) from mod folder to 00766/00783/00798/00806 if necessary and run the application. Alternatively, download latest version of WeiDU and rename executable to setup-Eldritch_Magic.exe. Move to game directory and run application as usual. (3) Choose which components to install. The mod currently only features English.

Kit Descriptions:

Abyssal Warrior:

ABYSSAL WARRIOR: Those cutters hardy enough to not only survive but thrive in the deadly realms of the Abyss among the pain-inflicting, death-dealing tanar'ri are a tough breed indeed. The Abyss shows no kindness to wizards, but a blood who's good with a sword or axe is useful to the plane's lords and worthy of some respect. That which remains useful in that horrible place stays alive. Abyssal warriors are the mortal fighters who serve in the Blood War, guard tanar'ri palaces, and work as mercenaries in those Abyssal towns where planars can survive.

Advantages: – Receives a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws – Proficient in Blind-fighting – 1st level: Receives a weapon and suit of armor from the Abyss* – 10th level: Gains +1 Strength – 13th level: Immune to Demon Fear – 15th level: May cast Cacofiend once per day – 20th level: May cast Summon Fiend once per day

Disadvantages: – -1 Charisma – -1 Penalty to THAC0 in bright sunlight – Alignment restricted to chaotic neutral and chaotic evil – Race restricted to tiefling**

CLASS FEATURES: – May achieve Grand Mastery (five slots) with any one-handed melee weapon, typically bladed. – May achieve Grand Mastery (five slots) in Single-Weapon Style. – May not Specialize in ranged weapons. – May focus on a single weapon only. – May not wear armor heavier than chain mail or studded leather. (Spells cannot be cast while wearing armor other than elven chain mail.) – May not dual-wield, use shields, or use two-handed weapons while bladesinging. – Level advancement and High Level Abilities (HLAs) of a multi-class fighter/mage. – May cast arcane spells one-handed with a +2 casting time penalty. – Must attempt to advance the cause of elvendom somehow at all times, and lend aid to any elf in need. – Race restricted to elf. – Alignment restricted to good. – Hit Die: d7 – Proficient in Blind-fighting – 14th level: First HLA gained. (3 Million XP.) – 15th level: Gain recognition from Bladesinger's Guild. – 22nd level: (8 Million XP.) – 25th level: Divine Intervention. – 30th level: Seldarine's Chosen.


  1. The Bladesinger chooses one weapon and practices with it extensively, to the exclusion of most other weapons. If practice makes perfect, the Bladesingers are very well practiced in their weapon of choice-for they are virtually perfect. The poised steps of the bladesong (the act of attack by a Bladesinger) not only reveals the Bladesinger to be a creature of beauty even during battle, but the steps also carry him into advantageous positions for either offense or defense. He can instinctively grasp the flow of the battle around him, and his feet will carry him through the intricate maneuvers necessary to optimize his attack. Such is the intensive training of the Bladesinger that he gains an automatic +1 to attack rolls as well as a +1 for damage. This is in addition to the normal elven +1 for use of the long or short sword (if applicable). Despite any additional, further training, this is as high as the bonus can be.
  2. Bladesingers receive a special bonus when they wish to try an unusual maneuver with their blade. This bonus is equal to +1 for every four levels the Bladesinger has attained. The bonus only serves to cancel the penalties normally applied for such a maneuver. All other penalties and bonuses still apply.
  3. Bladesingers have been taught from an early age to grasp the flow of magic around them and to turn it to their advantage. They can cast spells even while in the front lines. Although they cannot actually attack while casting their spells, they may defend themselves against incoming melee attacks. Their defense is equal to their level divided by 2, plus 1. All fractions are rounded down. Thus, a 6th-level Bladesinger gains a +4 to AC (6thlevel/2=3+1=+4 AC). The same goes for 7th-level Bladesingers (7/2=3.5-.5=3+1=+4 AC). This does not apply to rear or missile attacks, for it is nearly impossible to defend against those while casting a spell. Bladesingers have practiced the somatic portion of their spells well enough that they may cast their spells one-handed, suffering only a slight penalty. It adds +2 to their casting times, making it easier to disrupt their spells. Like any other spellcaster, if they are hit they lose the concentration necessary for maintaining their spells; they lose the spell. Their spells are, therefore, usually of an offensive nature with very short casting times.
  4. The training is hard enough that only a 3rd-level Bladesinger can begin to teach even the rudiments of the bladesong. If another elf wishes to learn the bladesong, he must seek one of the masters of the blade. Bladesingers charge a high price for sharing their skills.

BLADESINGING: Although the cost is rather steep to learn bladesinging, its practitioners swear by it. Its wide versatility often astounds those who are not familiar with its intricacies. The things even an amateur bladesinger can do with one blade echo tricks that accomplished warriors can do with two, or with a weapon and shield. Those elves willing to devote two slots to learning the rudiments of bladesinging gain the use of the following benefits:

  1. They may gain a +1 bonus to their AC or, if they wish to spend an extra slot, may boost this bonus to +2 to their AC. That is the highest bonus those who choose blade-singing as an additional skill can attain. Or
  2. They may gain a +1 to hit or, if they wish to spend an extra slot, may boost this to a +2 to attack. As with the AC bonus, +2 is the best they can hope for. Or
  3. They may attack and parry in that same round, without wasting any additional attacks. Note that these three benefits are not cumulative; that is, practitioners cannot use all three at once. However, they do have the option of varying between these three options during the course of a combat.

Disadvantages: The most obvious disadvantage to acquiring the bladesinging weapon style is that a character cannot carry a shield and practice the style at the same time. This technique requires far too much concentration on movement and flow, and the shield gets in the way of the grace and balance necessary to successfully use the style. A more esoteric disadvantage is that this style is most often used by loners-solitary individuals who have no desire to be part of a group. Rarely, this technique may be practiced by someone whose companions will part company with the PC for a decade. Since bladesinging is a very demanding style, the training is intense, difficult, and, above all, long. Therefore, a PC would be well advised to study this style in his or her early years before joining up with a group of adventurers-or else develop some long-lived and understanding friends. Special Hindrances: To offset their abilities, Bladesingers suffer some severe penalties. Not only must they attempt to advance the cause of elvendom somehow at all times, they must also lend aid to any elf in need. Unless the elf is proven to be an enemy of the elven way of life, the Bladesinger must sacrifice life and limb to save that elf's life. Of course, the Bladesinger is free to determine whether there is, in fact, an elf in danger. Bladesingers are so devoted to their chosen weapon that they can never learn another one. Unlike other elves, they do not gain a +1 to attack rolls with a bow. With all other weapons, they suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls, even if they have taken it as a proficiency. If they have not devoted the slot to learn the weapon, the Bladesinger suffers the ordinary nonproficiency in addition to the -1 penalty.

Collector: Coming soon!

COLLECTOR: Occasionally, humans will come into possession of items that either aren't theirs or are too dangerous for these short-lived beings to have. The Collector is there to make sure these things return to elf hands. The Collector's role in life is to retrieve things from dangerous places. Whether this item is a stolen suit of elven plate armor or an ancient, unearthed artifact, the Collector will get it back. When humans seem in danger of destroying things of beauty or of historical power, the Collector makes sure those objects are spirited away to safety. The Collector is not only a thief, but an archaeologist as well. She uses all her classes' skills to retrieve the items from wherever they lie, even deep beneath the earth, then keeps them from the hands of the elves' enemies.

Eldritch Knight:

ELDRITCH KNIGHT: The archetypal Eldritch Knight combines the martial mastery common to all fighters with a careful study of magic. Eldritch Knights use magical techniques similar to those practiced by wizards. They focus their study on two of the eight schools of magic: abjuration and evocation. Abjuration spells grant an Eldritch Knight additional protection in battle, and evocation spells deal damage to many foes at once, extending the fighter's reach in combat. These knights learn a comparatively small number of spells, committing them to memory instead of keeping them in a spellbook. Unlike Bladesingers and War Wizards, the Eldritch Knight kit is not uniquely elven, but rather is limited to fighter/mages and any race that may become one. In fact, there are even rumors of Gnomish Eldritch Knights who exclusively use illusionary magic.

Advantages: – May cast Green-Flame Blade once per day/level – May cast Booming Blade once per day/level

Disadvantages: – Race restricted to elf & half-elf – Class restricted to fighter/mage

Elven Minstrel: Coming soon!

ELVEN MINSTEL: Only elves and half-elves can become Minstrels. Of all musicians in the world, none can play as purely as an elf. Minstrels spend their entire lives seeking musical perfection. Of course, the definition of perfection differs from one culture to the next. Elves believe that music should be simple, pure, beautiful, and natural. Furthermore, those who listen should become lost in the music, and their spirits should transcend their bodies to ride upon the sweet flow of glittering notes. Elves are a very magical race, and this is especially true of Minstrels. It is said that Minstrels cast spells by the simple strumming of an instrument.


HERBALIST: Even when these priests have run out of healing spells, they are not useless as healers. The elf Herbalist can soothe fevers and mend wounds with the utmost ability and speed. Herbalists are very knowledgeable about the various herbs found in their domains. They can locate even the hard-to-find ones, although that might take some searching. Their herb lore is unsurpassed, except by druids.

Advantages: – May cast Goodberry once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter. – May cast Neutralize Poison once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 10 levels thereafter.

Disadvantages: – Race restricted to elf and half-elf. – Alignment restricted to good and neutral.

Huntsman: Coming soon!

HUNTSMAN: Although some call them bounty hunters, the Huntsmen know better. Their chief joy in life is the hunt, and they have trained themselves in the ways of life: fighting and stealth. A Huntsman is at home in both the city and the wilderness. His job is to track down errant wrongdoers and bring them to justice. He can be good, evil, or neutral; he may ethically bring criminals to face the law or hunt them just for money. Whether he is good or not good, his motivation is more the thrill of the hunt than material gain.

Infiltrator: Coming soon!

INFILTRATOR: The Infiltrator is the very model of an elf scout. Whether in urban or wilderness situations, the Infiltrator is the master of stealth and disguise. When elves need quick and reliable information with a minimum of fuss, they call on an Infiltrator. The Infiltrators' motto is "If it's a secret, it's not." Sometimes, the Infiltrator will gain information simply for the sheer joy of knowing it. Although this is a typically elven trait, only the Infiltrators go to such an extent to learn a secret.

Priest of Mystra:

PRIEST OF MYSTRA: Mystra is the Mother of All Magic and tender of the Weave. Her followers are often proficient with both arcane and divine spells.

Advantages: – May cast Mystra's Silver Fire once per day. Gains two uses at level 1 and an additional use every 5 and 10 levels thereafter.

MYSTRA'S SILVER FIRE: This spell explodes for 1d6 fire damage per level of the caster up to 20d6. Save vs. Spell for half.

Disadvantages: – Race restricted to half-elf. – Alignment restricted to good and neutral.

Priestess of Lolth:

PRIESTESS OF LOLTH: Lolth, or Lloth in the drow tongue, the Demon Queen of Spiders, is the chief goddess of drow elves. Her servants must appease the arachnid deity to avoid death, or punishment in the form of life as a drider. Priestesses of Lolth gain no more abilities from their deity than clerics of the surface elves; in fact, the Demon Queen only blesses drow with the most exceptional power, and only the greatest among those ever attain the rank of High Priestess. It is for this reason that followers of Lolth work exceptionally hard to overcome mortal limits. It is routine for priestesses to emulate spiders in their training at any cost. They must learn on their own how to avoid being caught in spider web, lest they be devoured by their own arachnids. Furthermore, each priestess relentlessly consumes poison in order to build up a natural resistance, either eventually overcoming the frail elven constitution, or dying.

Advantages: – May cast Spider Spawn once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter. – May cast Shapeshift: Spider once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 10 levels thereafter. – 3rd level: Immune to Web – 9th level: Immune to Poison

Disadvantages: – Alignment restricted to chaotic evil – Race restricted to drow elf* – Gender restricted to female**

Advantages: – +3 bonus to hit and damage rolls against undead creatures. – Immune to hold and level drain.

Disadvantages: – May not use Lay On Hands ability.

War Wizard:

WAR WIZARD: Although elves do not desire war, preferring instead to live their lives in peace and idyllic happiness, they recognize that the world is full of races hostile to elves, all of whom would love to see them driven into the dirt. A War Wizard is one who has devoted life to defending against such attacks. The War Wizard is usually the person in charge of defense for any given elf town. When there is a problem with an enemy, the War Wizard is the one to call. Even if not associated with a town, the War Wizard is an invaluable asset to any group that expects to face trouble. Simple strategic knowledge is bread and butter, but expertise does not end there - can work offensive marvels physically, and spellcasting skills are excellent. Magic is an integral part of the elven lifestyle. Elves' very lives are inherently magical; the blood of a god flowing through one's veins tends to give that person a much different perspective on the workings of magic. As such, War Wizards become increasingly defensive, in personality and passive protections. These elves excel at repelling enemy spellcasting and even weapons with their layers of contingencies, but War Wizards have no shortage of offensive spells for retaliation.

Advantages: – +1 Save vs. Spell every 4th level up to +5 at level 20. – +1 bonus to Armor Class every 5th level up to +4 at level 20. – 6th level: May cast Enchanted Weapon once per day – 12th level: May cast Mordenkainen's Sword once per day

Disadvantages: – Slower casting speed by 1 – May not Specialize in ranged weapons – -1 THAC0 Penalty with all Missile Weapons – Reduced Lore – Increased Fatigue – Race restricted to elf – Class restricted to fighter/mage

Wilderness Runner: 

WILDERNESS RUNNER: There are rangers, and then there are rangers. Elves are uniquely connected with the rhythms of the forests, some more deeply than others. Only those who have chosen to become rangers may elect to become more fully part of the forest. They are called Wilderness Runners. Wilderness Runners have cast aside the trappings of even elven society to serve the needs of the wood. Although they still respect and serve their own society, they take no part in its functions. They may serve as scouts or advance guards for elf cities, but they will not willingly enter civilization. If the Wilderness Runner is a high elf, he is far less civilized than his brethren and demonstrates the tendencies of sylvan elves.

Advantages: – +1 Constitution. – Gains one use of Charm Animal every level. – Gains 1% Fire and Cold resistance per level up to 20% at level 20. – Gains 5% Tracking bonus and +1 Movement Speed at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.

Disadvantages: – -1 Charisma. – Race restricted to elf. – Alignment restricted to chaotic good. – May not wear armor heavier than studded leather.


WINDRIDER: Few mounted cavalry are as glamorous and exciting as the Windriders. The elite of the elf forces, they are greatly envied by common elves and greatly feared by foes. The powerful and majestic mounts they ride into combat make Windriders more dangerous than most infantry, but at the cost of being a larger and more preferentially attacked target. The Windrider is the knight of the air, defending elf lands against aerial attacks. In times of war, they are both shock troops and scouts. While most Windriders mount griffons, hippogriffs, or pegasi, brave elves of the Sword Coast are rather limited in their choices and have been known to ride wyverns instead.

Advantages: – May cast Summon Mount once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter.

Summon Mount: The Windrider calls forth a wyvern mount of appropriate maturity for level.

Disadvantages: – -1 Armor Class. – Race restricted to elf. – Alignment restricted to good. – May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in any weapon class.