Abdul-Moiz / AMProgressBar

Elegant progress bar for your iOS apps.
MIT License
32 stars 9 forks source link
apple ibdesignable ibinspectable interface-builder ios progress progressbar swift uicontrol uiview xcode


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Elegant progress bar for your iOS app written in Swift.



import AMProgressBar

let progressBar = AMProgressBar()
progressBar.progressValue = 1


Global configurations

Set a global style to all progress bar with these simple lines of code. It will override if there is some different value set from interface builder.

AMProgressBar.config.barColor = .blue
AMProgressBar.config.barCornerRadius = 10
AMProgressBar.config.barMode = .determined // .undetermined

AMProgressBar.config.borderColor = .white
AMProgressBar.config.borderWidth = 2

AMProgressBar.config.cornerRadius = 10

AMProgressBar.config.hideStripes = false

AMProgressBar.config.stripesColor = .red
AMProgressBar.config.stripesDelta = 80
AMProgressBar.config.stripesMotion = .right // .none or .left
AMProgressBar.config.stripesOrientation = .diagonalRight // .diagonalLeft or .vertical
AMProgressBar.config.stripesWidth = 30
AMProgressBar.config.stripesSpacing = 30

AMProgressBar.config.textColor = .black
AMProgressBar.config.textFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
AMProgressBar.config.textPosition = .onBar // AMProgressBarTextPosition

Batched customization

When using AMProgressBar, it is recommended to use the customize(block:) method to customize it. The reason is that AMProgressBar is reacting to each property that you set. So if you set 3 properties, the progress bar is refreshed 3 times.

When using customize(block:), you can group all the customizations on the progress bar, that way AMProgressBar is only going to refresh it self once.


progressBar.customize { bar in
    bar.cornerRadius = 10
    bar.borderColor = UIColor.gray
    bar.borderWidth = 4

    bar.barCornerRadius = 10
    bar.barColor = UIColor.blue
    bar.barMode = AMProgressBarMode.determined.rawValue

    bar.hideStripes = false
    bar.stripesColor = UIColor.white
    bar.stripesWidth = 10
    bar.stripesSpacing = 10
    bar.stripesDelta = 10
    bar.stripesMotion = AMProgressBarStripesMotion.right.rawValue
    bar.stripesOrientation = AMProgressBarStripesOrientation.diagonalRight.rawValue

    bar.textColor = UIColor.black
    bar.textFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
    bar.textPosition = AMProgressBarTextPosition.middle.rawValue


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.




AMProgressBar is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '12.0'

pod "AMProgressBar"



AMProgressBar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.