Vegan Restaurant Finder is an app that helps people looking for vegan restaurants. The app utilizes yelp api to get List of vegan restaurants. The user can ask the app to recommend them a good restaurant based on weights that user pickles, when the user is in a different time zone they can check the operating hours of the restaurant at any given date, from there user can navigate to create an event and then store it in the calendar view(the event is also deletable). User can also get the directions to the restaurant by using apple’s native maps app
The following stretch features are implemented:
Ambiguous Problems
[x]Recommendations View: build and implement an algorithm where if the user asks for a restaurant recommendation, the app will recommend a restaurant by gathering the data from all the restaurants within a certain distance to run the algorithm that will compare them based pricing, distance, and ratings.
[x]Date manipulation: manipulate the time strings that were provided by the api to convert dates between different time zones to allow the user to check the operating hours of the restaurant based on their local time.
Screen Archetypes
Login Screen Users login here or navigate to the sign up View
SignUp Screen Users can create an account
Home Screen User can view the vegan based restaurants that are provided
User can get directions to any of the restaurants Search Screen
User can view all restaurants
User can use both text and scope button filtration to narrow down the search
Details Screen User can view the details of the chosen restaurant
Recommendations Screen User can use the recommendation feature to get a restaurant
LikedRestaurants Screen User can view their liked restaurant
Calendar Screen User can create/delete/edit events and store them
date Picker Screen User can pick any date to check what are the operating hours(in the user’s time Zone) and (restaurant’s time zone)
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories: