Abhi-1U / texor

Converting 'LaTeX' 'R Journal' Articles into 'RJ-web-articles'
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Introduce new functions to make conversions of LaTeX components #57

Open Abhi-1U opened 1 year ago

Abhi-1U commented 1 year ago


This will perform conversions on small bits/elements of the LaTeX article like a figure/table/verbatim environment or equations. This could also have tikz/algorithm images.


To work on some function to create Rmarkdown based tables/figures in some capacity as there have been attempts to do something similar in past Issues like using knitr R blocks to house Images, or using R code chunks for verbatim. Converting a table to its kable equivalent might be hard as one would need to read the AST and plug the data in. All of the above are possible with lua filters in some capacity.

Why has this not been done on full scale articles?

it adds more complexity and often times, the end result is similar to markdown equivalent. Also working on isolated chunks of LaTeX code is easier to handle. Given the experimental nature of conversions, it won't result in a complete failure of article conversion (main reason).