Open Abhishek-VG opened 2 years ago
history.go(-1) is the same as history.back().
history.go(1) is the same as history.forward().
for any component which invlived state, we used class components before
everything changed in react 16.+ version hooks were intriduced now even funcational components can have state and lifecycle
Difference between element vs component in react
How to create element
Down concept
Browse routing & red routing
Push & replacement / History method
What is redux, hooks & why its used
What is Jsx
Effect of hooks
Filter & map concept
Lifecycle of react
Control as uncontrol components
What is problem drilling
Use context - concept
Reducers - dispatch method , type & payload
Is null a good activity or not & why
What is hoisting
Difference between set interval and set timer
How to catch Array
Higher order function vs higher order components
20.what if api fails in between
How does components unmounts work
Diff between Real dom & virtual dom
What is camel casing in JSx
Explain Higher order components
Main purpose of react.
Reason to write camel case in Jsx
What is pure components
Coding : write a reducer... In the reducer there should be a name.. Set user details ..the action should return user name and user Age.
Parameters of dispatch method
What is combined reducer.