Abhishek-VG / oroz-aonoror

MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

cloning the project

git clone <project_Link>

change the directory to project

cd <project_directory>

install the libraries

npm install

start the application

npm start

shortcut to open the project in vscode

in cmd, go to the main directory, run code .


  1. To add an movie object fetchApi("http://localhost:8080/movie", {method: "POST", body: { name: "jyo12" }})

  2. To delete an movie object fetchApi("http://localhost:8080/movie/{id}", {method: "DELETE"})

  3. To fetch an movie object fetchApi("http://localhost:8080/movie/{id}", {method: "GET"})

  4. to update a movie object fetchApi("http://localhost:8080/movie/{id}", {method: "PUT", body: {name: "MJ"}})

  5. to get all the list fetchApi("http://localhost:8080/movie", {method: "GET"})

  6. to flush/delete database fetchApi("http://localhost:8080/movie/flush", {method: "DELETE"})

append .then(resp => resp.json()).then(obj => console.log(obj)) example fetchApi("http://localhost:8080/movie", {method: "GET"}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(obj => console.log(obj))