AbramisBrama / ssstories

A small project to post cool stories to VK
GNU General Public License v2.0
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A small project to post cool stories to VK community like SSStories


  1. Python 3

  2. PIP Python package manager.

  3. It is recommended to use Virtual Environments for proper requirements management.

    pip3 install pymorphy2

    Then go to the current project's folder to create and initialize the virtual environment:

    virtualenv ssenv source ./ssenv/bin/activate

  4. Pymorphy 2 libs:

    pip3 install pymorphy2 pip3 install pymorphy2-dicts pip3 install DAWG-Python

  5. Sphinx documentation libs:

    pip3 install Sphinx


The application uses opencorpora dictionaries for words analysis and names parsing.

To generate the documentation run:

./make.bat html

and open the file _build/html/index.html


To get a piece of text with substituted names run:

python -m text

To run all test use the following command:

python -m unittest discover test