AbstractXan / Mizi

A simple markdown to website generator written in C++.
MIT License
42 stars 7 forks source link
cpp cpp17 html markdown markdown-to-html static-site website-generation


A simple static website generator written in C++ that takes markdown format as input.

Inspired from hundredrabbits/100r.co

Created for my website abstractxan.xyz

Sample generated repo here : mizi.netlify.com

Netlify Status

Download and run

Currently supported features:

  1. Inputs a single markdown file as input
  2. Configurable <head> and header and footer for every page
  3. Create reusable components using templates by updating templates.conf
# Category
## Page
### Section
- First
- Second
- Third
<p>Could write in HTML too!</p>
Inline [links!](https://abstractxan.xyz)
Inline images ![images](./media/interface/favicon.ico)

$$$ Seperate Pages
## Seperate Page
### Section

{{Template Arg1 Arg2}}


Open a new issue for bug / feature requests. PRs are welcome.