You'll find tools and scripts that I coded to simplify your life. You can improve them (optimize the code, rethink some aspects) and create a PR if you want !
Script has moved here :
Getting a meterpreter tcp session could be a real nightmare behind a router you don't control, or just don't want to setup. To bypass that, you may have tried to use ngrok as a "VPS", in a normal reverse shell setup. However, metasploit needs to listen on a local interface, and doesn't seem to have some sort of "ngrok compatibility".
After a long time just giving up on getting cool and easy meterpreter sessions (which implies having to deal with obscure payloads manually), I decided to find a solution.
Here is an example :
ngrok tcp 4444
. e.g. : you get ""What happens here, is that we "trick" metasploit into using the dummy interface as the one to listen to.
Doing so, the connect-back IP and PORT sent in the payload will be ngrok IP+PORT. The victim will contact this IP, which will then redirect to our machine via tunnel.
You now have the exact same result as forwarding port on your router, but securely and easily.
/!\ Important : If you need multiple meterpreter sessions at the same time, you'll need to launch a new ngrok connection (I suggest you to use the standalone binary for this, just modify the config file to another account). Careful though, that the script gets local ngrok interface on port 4040. However, if the port is already used, it will increment (e.g. 4041).
So you'll have to launch the script a second time, with taking care of modifying this port in the code (just CTRL+F 4040).
Help :
Usage : local_port_used_by_ngrok dummy_interface_name (optional). Ex: 4444 ethngrok