Abyssers / blog

Abyssers' Blog
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 4 forks source link

Abyssers' Logo

Believe in the abyss!

English | 中文文档

Getting started

If u r preparing to get involved in the project for the first time, please fork this repo to yours firstly and then:

git clone --recurse-submodules <your forked repo url>

We do not accept PRs from the current repo's another branch.

Otherwise, please sync your forked repo and pull up the latest codes:

git pull origin main
git submodule update --init --remote --force

We do not recommend making any changes to submodules (especially in the theme module) directly. Updating of the theme is usually handled by another repo: abyrus.

Install all dependencies by npm (or yarn 1.x) with nodejs version >= 12.13.0:

npm install # or: yarn install

Always keep an eye on our pull requests and update dependencies timely.

Finally, make sure husky is enabled:

npx husky install

Although we have set the "prepare" script to ensure that it will be enabled after npm install, there is still a possible condition of committing changes without installing dependencies to skip the pre-commit hook.


Start the hot-update server (only for changes in the source_dir):

npm run serve # or: hexo s --debug

Create a new post or a new page:

hexo new [layout] <title>

For more writing-related commands, see: https://hexo.io/docs/writing


This project has already integrated automated deployment with Actions. You just need to push your contents to your forked repo and create a Pull Request following the standard procedure. When the PR is approved and merged, the blog site will update static pages automatically.


Apache 2.0

Copyright 2022 Abyssers