AcademySoftwareFoundation / OpenColorIO-Config-ACES
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
257 stars 36 forks source link

.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 Copyright Contributors to the OpenColorIO Project.

OpenColorIO Configuration for ACES

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|actions| |artefacts|

.. |actions| image:: :target: :alt: Continuous Integration - Quality & Unit Tests

.. |artefacts| image:: :target: :alt: Configuration Artifacts

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The OpenColorIO Configuration for ACES <> is an open-source Python <> package implementing support for the generation of the OCIO configurations for the Academy Color Encoding System <>__ (ACES).

It is freely available under the New BSD License <>__ terms.

.. contents:: Table of Contents :backlinks: none :depth: 2

.. sectnum::


The following features are available:

User Guide

Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Cloning the Repository

The *OpenColorIO Configuration for ACES* repository uses `Git submodules <>`__
thus cloning the repository requires initializing them::

    git clone --recursive

If you have already cloned the repository and forgot the ``--recursive``
argument, it is possible to initialize the submodules as follows::

    git submodule update --init --recursive


The OpenColorIO Configuration for ACES repository adopts Poetry <>__ to help managing its dependencies, this is the recommended way to get started with development.

Assuming python >= 3.9 <> is available on your system along with OpenColorIO <>, the development dependencies are installed with Poetry <>__ as follows::

git clone --recursive
cd OpenColorIO-Config-ACES
poetry install --with optional

The aces-dev CTL reference graph can be plotted but it requires Graphviz <> to be installed on the system and having installed the optional pygraphviz <>: python package::

poetry install --with graphviz,optional


Installing the dependencies for the `previous config generator <>`__
was not a trivial task. For ease of use an `aswf-docker <>`__
based container is now available.

Creating the container from the `Dockerfile <>`__
is done as follows::

    docker build -t aswf/opencolorio-config-aces:latest .

or alternatively, if the dependencies described in the next section are

    invoke docker build

Then, to run *bash* in the container::

    docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/home/aswf/OpenColorIO-Config-ACES aswf/opencolorio-config-aces:latest /bin/bash


The OpenColorIO Configuration for ACES package requires various dependencies in order to run and be able to generate the OCIO configurations:

Primary Dependencies

Optional Dependencies

Development Dependencies

Components Status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Component | Status | Notes | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | aces-dev Discovery | Complete | Minor updates might be required when aces-dev is updated. | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common Config Generator | Complete | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Reference Config Generation | Complete | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CG Config Generation | Complete | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Custom Config Generation | In-Progress | We are designing the components so that one can generate a custom ACES config. | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Studio Config Generation | Complete | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CLF Transforms Discovery | Complete | Minor updates will be required if classification changes. | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CLF Transforms Generation | Complete | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Public API Surfacing | In-Progress | What is part of the Public API is not well defined currently. | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Unit Tests | In-Progress | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | API Documentation | Complete | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Continuous Integration | Complete | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CLI | In-Progress | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Containerisation | Complete | Minor updates will be required as the CLI evolves. | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pypi Package | Unavailable | | +-------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Usage ^^^^^


Various tasks are currently exposed via `invoke <>`__.

This is currently the recommended way to build the configuration until a
dedicated CLI is provided.

Listing the tasks is done as follows::

    invoke --list

Reference Config

| Task                  | Command                                      |
| Build                 | ``invoke build-config-reference``            |
| Build (Docker)        | ``invoke docker-run-build-config-reference`` |
| Updating Mapping File | ``invoke update-mapping-file-reference``     |

CG Config

| Task                  | Command                               |
| Build                 | ``invoke build-config-cg``            |
| Build (Docker)        | ``invoke docker-run-build-config-cg`` |
| Updating Mapping File | ``invoke update-mapping-file-cg``     |

Studio Config

| Task                  | Command                                   |
| Build                 | ``invoke build-config-studio``            |
| Build (Docker)        | ``invoke docker-run-build-config-studio`` |
| Updating Mapping File | ``invoke update-mapping-file-studio``     |

API Reference

The main technical reference for `OpenColorIO Configuration for ACES <>`__
is the `API Reference <>`__.


| **OpenColorIO Configuration for ACES** by OpenColorIO Contributors
| Copyright Contributors to the OpenColorIO Project – ` <>`__
| This software is released under terms of New BSD License:
| ` <>`__