AccessibilityLab / SoundWatch

SoundWatch is an Android-based app for glanceable, always-available, and private sound feedback
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Status License


SoundWatch is an Android-based app designed for commercially available smartwatches to provide glanceable, always-available, and private sound feedback in multiple contexts. SoundWatch informs users about three key sound properties: sound identity, loudness, and time of occurrence through customizable sound alerts using visual and vibrational feedback. We use a deep learning-based sound classification engine (running on either the watch or on the paired phone or cloud) to continually sense and process sound events in real-time. SoundWatch supports four different architectural configurations: watch-only, watch+phone, watch+phone+cloud, and watch+cloud.

[Website] [Paper PDF]

Table Of Contents

  1. Prerequisite
  2. Screenshots
  3. Setup
  4. Architecture performance test
  5. Scenarios
  6. Lists of recommended/compatible watches
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Acknowledgement
  9. Support



SoundWatch system mockup SoundWatch system mockup 2

Folder Structure


        python {
            // If Chaquopy fails to find Python on your build machine, enable the following
            // line and edit it to point to Python 3.4 or later.
              buildPython "C:/Python36/python3.exe"
            // buildPython "C:\\Users\\hungn\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36\\python.exe"
            pip {
                install "numpy==1.14.2"
        ndk {
            abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"


Architecture performance test

After enabling the boolean flags, just run the watch and phone app like usual. The test results will be output as *.txt (i.e: watch_model.txt, e2e_latency.txt) to local device directory (phone or watch) inside the com.wearable.sound folder.


SoundWatch system mockup 3

Lists of recommended/compatible watches

Under $200

Under $300

Above $300


The Chaquopy SDK (SoundWatch uses this to include Python components in the Android app) requires a proper license to work. Please contact Hang Do ( or Dhruv Jain for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

My phone and watch have become unpaired. How do I fix this?

How do I set SoundWatch to listen for sounds?

My watch is not responding to touch or buttons. How do I get it to respond?

How do I select and deselect sounds for the watch to listen for?

How do I snooze a sound on my watch?

How do I see notifications if they aren’t popping up?

Drop us a note if you are using or plan to use SoundWatch for research purposes. We are also happy to help with any questions or issues.


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