AcclaimedAP / Cat-Hero-Idle-RPG-tools-Frontend

A frontend for a website for Cat Hero Idle RPG tools, guides and more.
The Unlicense
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Cat hero Idle RPG Tools and resources

This is a frontend for a collection of tools, resources, guides, and data collection for the mobile game "Cat Hero Idle RPG".

Setting up the repository locally

The project requires you to have NodeJS and NPM installed.

After cloning the repository, navigate to the root folder, you will need to run npm install to install all dependencies.

After installing the dependencies, simply writing npm run dev starts it in development mode with a hot-refresh server, or npm run build to build the project, and it will be accessible in the "dist/" folder.

Tech stack

The project is built using Vite, with a React template, for a full list with versions, refer to "package.json", however here's a rundown of the major technologies used:


You can generate documentation by writing npm run docs in the root folder.
This will generate all written documentations into a folder called "docs", and you can open the web file to browse through the documentation. You can open the generated docs by running npm run open-docs afterwards.

Contributing, questions, contact

For contributing, refer to "".

If you have questions, ideas, etc, you can either create an issue, or contact me directly here on Github or my discord: "Alexusuwu".