Accord-Project / CODE-ACCORD

CODE-ACCORD: A Corpus of Building Regulatory Data for Rule Generation towards Automatic Compliance Checking
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CODE-ACCORD: A Corpus of Building Regulatory Data for Rule Generation towards Automatic Compliance Checking

Data Collection

The CODE-ACCORD corpus contains annotated sentences from the building regulations of England and Finland, and has been developed as part of the Horizon European project for Automated Compliance Checks for Construction, Renovation or Demolition Works (ACCORD). The corpus is in English, and it consists of both the English Building Regulations and the English translation of the Finnish National Building Code.

In both England and Finland, text regulations are published in PDF documents and available online to the public. There is a combined total of 33 documents, consisting of 23 documents for English regulations, which span 1455 pages, and 10 documents for Finnish regulations, covering 140 pages. All PDF documents sourced from both English and Finnish data repositories were converted into plain text. Following this, a gold standard was developed following a semi-automated methodology. Initially, an automated sentence filtering task was conducted to retain only those sentences that met regulatory criteria, including quantitative requirements, subjective requirements, and deontic logic.

For each country, a data folder is created. More specifically, for England, a folder named English Regulations is created. Similarly, for Finland, a folder named Finnish Regulations is created. Each data folder hierarchy is structured as follows: Within the main data folder, there are two primary sub-folders. The first sub-folder, "PDF" contains the original PDF files of the regulations documents. The second sub-folder, "Text and CSV" is where the text and CSV versions of these PDF files are stored after undergoing various pre-processing stages. This "Text and CSV" sub-folder consists of eight sub-folders, each corresponding to a specific pre-processing step. They are meticulously organised in sequential order to facilitate systematic data handling. Starting with "Raw Text Data", it contains the initial raw text data obtained through PDF-to-text conversion. The subsequent sub-folder, "Cleaned Data-Raw Text", holds the cleaned data derived from the previous folder. "All Sentences" sub-folder contains all sentences extracted from the previous step. Next, "AutoFilteredSentences" comprises sentences that have been automatically filtered, following the specific criteria described above. "ManuallyFilteredSentences" contains sentences that were manually curated to ensure consistency and to remove any unnecessary content. The "FinalFilteredSentences" sub-folder stores the ultimate raw text of the semi-automatically filtered sentences after eliminating empty lines and redundant information. Moving on, "CSV-FinalFilteredSentences" presents the sentences from the previous folder in csv format, preparing the data for the final sub-folder, "Classification" which categorises the sentences as either self-contained or categorised under 'others', where only the self-contained sentences will be further considered for this research. This structured hierarchy streamlines the data processing and analysis of regulations documents, ensuring an organised and efficient workflow.

Data Annotation

Our work is mainly focused on extracting information from text to support rule generation. There are two key types of information found in the text: named entities and relations, which are essential for comprehending the ideas conveyed in natural language. Hence, our primary focus was on annotating entities and relations.

More details about our annotation strategy with sample annotations are available in Annotation_Strategy_V1.0.0.pdf.

All our annotated data are available within annotated_data folder. Within the subfolders entities and relations, there are three .csv files named all.csv, train.csv and test.csv. all.csv contains the full dataset. train.csv has 80% of the full dataset, which can be used to train machine learning models and test.csv has the remaining 20\%, which can be used for models' performance testing. More details about the file formats are described below.


The format of an entity data file available within the annotated_data/entities folder is as follows:

Attribute Description
example_id Unique ID assigned for each sentence
content Original textual content of the sentence
processed_content Tokenised (using NLTK's word_tokenize package) textual content of the sentence
label Entity labelled sequence in IOB format
metadata Additional information of sentence (i.e. original approved document from which the sentence is extracted)


The format of a relation data file available within the annotated_data/relations folder is as follows:

Attribute Description
example_id Unique ID assigned for each sentence
content Original textual content of the sentence
metadata Additional information of sentence (i.e. original approved document from which the sentence is extracted)
tagged_sentence Sentence with tagged entity pair
relation_type Category of the relation in between the tagged entity pair

More details about CODE-ACCORD, including the data annotation process and category distribution, will be available with our paper: CODE-ACCORD: A Corpus of Building Regulatory Data for Rule Generation towards Automatic Compliance Checking, which is currently under review.

Accessing Datasets in HuggingFace

All CODE-ACCORD datasets are available in HuggingFace, and can be accessed using the following code.

Entity-annotated Data

from datasets import Dataset
from datasets import load_dataset

train = Dataset.to_pandas(load_dataset('ACCORD-NLP/CODE-ACCORD-Entities', split='train'))
test = Dataset.to_pandas(load_dataset('ACCORD-NLP/CODE-ACCORD-Entities', split='test'))

Relation-annotated Data

from datasets import Dataset
from datasets import load_dataset

train = Dataset.to_pandas(load_dataset('ACCORD-NLP/CODE-ACCORD-Relations', split='train'))
test = Dataset.to_pandas(load_dataset('ACCORD-NLP/CODE-ACCORD-Relations', split='test'))