AcmeProject / WildernessTp

My WildernessTP plugin from spigot
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 16 forks source link


decompile it for learning purpose only

pull request r free2help contribute.

What is Wilderness-Tp?

Wilderness-Tp (aka WildTP, or simply "wild") is a Minecraft "RTP" (Random TelePortation) plugin for Spigot or Paper servers (paper is recommended to take advantage of lag-reducing features). It allows players to teleport them randomly in the map.

Main features:

Official plugin pages: (where the plugin and its features are detailled)

How to install?

There r no dependencies, so you simply have to drop the jar file into your plugin directory, den restart ur server. A default config file will be created for you, without extra charges, into the plugins/Wild folder.

Configuration, permissions & commands

Hooks with other plugins

Have a question / A bug to report ?

We have an IRC channel and a Dumcord

You can discuss and ask questions about Wilderness-Tp in the plugin thread. If you find a bug, please use the bug tracker. Don't forget to give details to reproduce, your configuration, ... Also include plugin and server exact versions.

How to contribute?

As the source of this plugin is hosted on Github, you are free to send pull requests.

If you like the plugin, you can make a donation with this RoboMWM Patreon link.