AdaCore / learn

Sources for
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Sources for AdaCore's website

Typescript Test Suite Sphinx Plugin Tests Sphinx Content Tests


This project requires Vagrant and VirtualBox

Getting started

To setup for development run:

$ vagrant up

This will spin up two VMs:

To build and start the development server for the frontend, run:

$ vagrant ssh web

# The following commands will be run inside the vm

$ source /vagrant/venv/bin/activate
$ cd /vagrant/frontend
$ yarn run dev

This will run webpack on the typescript and scss, then sphinx for the rst using make local which will point the widgets at

You can then point your browser on your host to to see the learn website being served from vagrant.

To build and start the publishing server, run:

$ vagrant ssh epub

# The following commands will be run inside the VM

$ cd /vagrant
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ make site

This will build the content for the learn website. You can find it in the /vagrant/frontend/dist directory.

Testing the source-code examples

The ReST files found in the content directory have .. code:: ada blocks that contain source-code examples. To test the expected behavior of those examples, a test script called is available, as well as the code_projects module.

To make use of this test infrastructure, the best approach is to start the Vagrant publishing server (epub) and install the environment:

cd /vagrant/frontend
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:sphinx:py_modules"

Using the script

After the environment is set, running --help displays the help message:

python3 tests/ --help

To test the code examples from a specific course, select the ReST files from that course and specify them as arguments to the script. For example, to test the Introduction to Ada course, run:

python3 tests/ \
  $(find ../content/courses/intro-to-ada/ -name '*.rst')

Verbose mode

For more verbosity, just add the --verbose switch. For example:

python3 tests/ \
  --verbose                     \
  $(find ../content/courses/intro-to-ada/ -name '*.rst')

Keep the build directory

To store the build files in a specific directory, just use the --build-dir switch and specify the directory. Also, use the --keep_files switch to prevent that directory from being deleted after the test is complete. For example:

python3 tests/ \
  --keep_files                  \
  --build-dir test_output       \
  --verbose                     \
  $(find ../content/courses/intro-to-ada/ -name '*.rst')

Single ReST file

To test a single ReST file, specify just that file instead of multiple ReST files:

python3 tests/ \

Single code block

To test just a single code block from the ReST file, use the --code-block-at switch:

python3 tests/ \
  --code-block-at=28            \

Maximum number of columns

To check whether a maximum limit of 80 columns per line is respected in the code examples, use the --max_columns switch:

python3 tests/ \
  --max-columns 80              \

Using the code_projects module

The code_projects module contains the actual Python modules that are called by the script. It's possible to use them directly:

For example, to build the source-code examples from the Introduction to Ada course, run:

python3 py_modules/code_projects/     \
  --build-dir test_output                                \
  $(find ../content/courses/intro-to-ada/ -name '*.rst')

python3 py_modules/code_projects/       \
  --build-dir test_output

For more examples and alternative configurations, please refer to the README of the code_projects module