AdaCore / startup-gen

A startup code generator for embedded projects
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startup-gen generates startup files (crt0 and linker script) based on properties of the target device such as: architecture, memory layout, number of interrupts.

One of the goals of this tool is to make it easier to start developing on micro-controllers by providing the basic elements of a Board Support Package (BSP).


startup-gen depends on the template-parser library. Clone or download the repository and follow the build instructions.

Once built, set the GPR_PROJECT_PATH path using:

$  export GPR_PROJECT_PATH=/path/to/built-templates-parser/share/gpr

Download and install a native GNAT Community compiler at

Build with this command:

$ gprbuild -P startup_gen.gpr


See documentation.


The dev branch of this repository also contains work-in-progress tools to build a database of target properties for more than 3000 ARM micro-controllers from CMSIS-Pack files.