AdaLabs / gnat-vms

GNU General Public License v2.0
5 stars 2 forks source link


This project is the initiative of PIA-SOFER, who contacted AdaLabs in order to resurrect the GCC GNAT Ada 83 VMS compiler, which is no more supported by AdaCore, for new clients. While some patches have been (some times partially) recovered from the gcc and binutils mailing lists, some patches are from AdaLabs. These last ones are licensed using the same license as the underlaying FSF components, while being co-owned by AdaLabs and PIA-SOFER.

:broken_heart: Unfortunatly, this repository is not sufficient for you to build the GCC GNAT Ada 83 VMS compiler, as VMS based system headers are needed during the build process, and it is unknown if these sources are open sourced or not.

This project aims to build an ia64-hp-openvms Ada 83 compiler. The compiler is based on FSF GCC compiler, and is achieved through 3 steps (native, cross, and canadian compilers).

FSF COTS Version
GCC 4.7
Binutils 2.23.1
MPC 0.8.1
GMP 4.3.2
MPFR 2.4.2

We can view this journey as finding a way to cross a river. In order get to the other side of the river, we will craft 3 stones, and we will use these stones to reach the opposite border of the river without falling into it. Each stone depends on the previous one, this is why we need the same compiler source from the very beginning.

It is your duty to review the scripts, :warning: that also asks for root passwords during install process.

1. Prepare the native operating system

If you are using an Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) or Debian 7 (Wheezy), you can proceed directly without a schroot environment, after making sure you have the following packages.

$ sudo aptitude install gnat sudo nano wget rpl build-essential m4 flex bison lsb-release texinfo

If you are using a more recent operating system, you will need to setup a schroot environment to install one of the above OS.

1.1 Setup a schroot environment

Kindly read the paragraph above to make sure that this is mandatory for you.

In this example, we will install a Debian 7 (Wheezy) x86_64. In the console, install the schroot packages and create the chrooted OS

   $ sudo aptitude install debootstrap schroot
   $ debootstrap --include=gnat,sudo,nano,wget,rpl,build-essential,m4,flex,bison,lsb-release,texinfo  wheezy /opt/local/schroots/wheezy

Add the schrooted Wheezy OS to your configuration. In the code below, Replace with your username File /etc/schroot/chroot.d/wheezy.conf

description=Debian 7 Wheezy for x86_64

Enter in your schrooted Wheezy OS

   $ schroot -c wheezy

2. Download the FSF tarballs

In the script below, we will download the GCC, Binutils, MPC, GMP and MPFR tarballs. In the code below, replace with your git project path

   $ ./scripts/

3. Build native compiler

In this section, we will build the first stone for our journey, the x86_64-linux-gnu-native native compiler. It is called a native compiler because build,host and target are the same, as described in the table below.

Build Host Target
x86_64-linux x86_64-linux x86_64-linux

In the code below, replace with your git project path The script below will ask you a few questions and verifications, without exiting in error. It will ask for your root password, so it is your duty to review it.

   $ ./scripts/

In order to test the newly installed native compiler, let's build and run the "hello world" test.

   $ export PATH=/opt/local/4.7/x86_64-linux-gnu/bin:$PATH
   $ cd tests
   $ gnatmake sources/hello.adb
   $ ./hello
hello world !

4. Build cross compiler

In this section, we will build the x86_64-linux-gnu-native to ia64-hp-openvms cross compiler. It is called a cross compiler because build and host are the same, but they are different from target, as described in the table below.

Build Host Target
x86_64-linux x86_64-linux ia64-hp-openvms

In the code below, replace with your git project path


4.1 Build cross binutils

The script below will ask you a few questions and verifications, without exiting in error. It will ask for your root password, so it is your duty to review it.

   $ ./scripts/

4.2 Build cross gcc

4.2.1 Setup sysroot

The $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/sysroots/ia64-hp-openvms/ sysroot shall contain two sub folders, include and lib.

sysroot include sub-folder

_g_config.h  changes      ctype-gnu.h  errno.h  gen64def.h   limits.h  perror.h   setjmp.h   stdarg.h  stdlib.h   sys       unixio.h    varargs.h
ansidecl.h   copying3     ctype.h      fcntl.h  gnumalloc.h  locale.h  pthread.h  signal.h   stddef.h  string.h   time.h    unixlib.h   vms
assert.h     ctype-dec.h  dirent.h     float.h  libgen.h     math.h    rms.h      starlet.h  stdio.h   strings.h  unistd.h  va-alpha.h  wchar.h

file.h  param.h  stat.h  time.h  times.h  types.h  wait.h

atrdef.h     chfdef.h   fab.h     fatdef.h  intstkdef.h  libicb.h  namdef.h   pdscdef.h  rms.h    starlet.h  xab.h        xabfhcdef.h
chfctxdef.h  descrip.h  fabdef.h  fibdef.h  iodef.h      nam.h     ossddef.h  pthread.h  ssdef.h  stsdef.h   xabdatdef.h

sysroot lib sub-folder

cma$tis_shr.exe  decc$shr.exe  imagelib.exe  ldscripts  libdecc$shr.exe  libdeccshr.a  libimagelib.a  
libots.exe  librtl.a  librtl.exe  libstarlet.a  libsys$public_vectors.a  starlet.exe  sys$public_vectors.exe

elf64_ia64_vms.x  elf64_ia64_vms.xbn  elf64_ia64_vms.xn  elf64_ia64_vms.xr  elf64_ia64_vms.xu

4.2.2 Build

The script below will ask you a few questions and verifications, without exiting in error. It will ask for your root password, so it is your duty to review it.

   $ ./scripts/

In order to test the newly installed cross compiler, let's build the "hello world" test on x86_64-linux, and run it on ia64-hp-openvms

   $ export PATH=/opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/bin:$PATH
   $ cd tests
   $ ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake --RTS=/opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/lib/gcc/ia64-hp-openvms/4.7.4/ sources/hello.adb
   $ file hello.exe
hello.exe: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, IA-64, version 1 (OpenVMS), dynamically linked, not stripped

Great, we got an ELF IA-64 OpenVMS binary file, upload the hello.exe binary on your VMS station, and run it !

   $ run hello.exe
hello world !

4.2.3 Little tweak for ia64-hp-openvms-gcc

In order for the compiler to properly detect the default runtime, we will replace the ia64-hp-openvms-gcc symbolink link by a script that internally specifiy the runtime

cd /opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/bin
sudo mv ia64-hp-openvms-gcc ia64-hp-openvms-gcc.exe
sudo touch ia64-hp-openvms-gcc
sudo chmod +x ia64-hp-openvms-gcc
sudo nano ia64-hp-openvms-gcc

Add the following content to the script file (/opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/bin/ia64-hp-openvms-gcc)

if [[ "$@" = *"--RTS"* ]]; then
   ia64-hp-openvms-gcc.exe "$@"
   ia64-hp-openvms-gcc.exe --RTS=/opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/lib/gcc/ia64-hp-openvms/4.7.4/ "$@"

4.2.4 Little tweak for ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake

In order for the compiler to properly detect the default runtime, we will replace the ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake symbolink link by a script that internally specifiy the runtime

cd /opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/bin
sudo mv ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake.exe
sudo touch ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake
sudo chmod +x ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake
sudo nano ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake

Add the following content to the script file (/opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/bin/ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake)

if [[ "$@" = *"--RTS"* ]]; then
   ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake.exe "$@"
   ia64-hp-openvms-gnatmake.exe --RTS=/opt/local/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms/lib/gcc/ia64-hp-openvms/4.7.4/ "$@"

5. Build canadian compiler

In this section, we will build the ia64-hp-openvms to ia64-hp-openvms canadian compiler. It is called a canadian compiler because host and target are the same, but they are different from build, as described in the table below.

Build Host Target
x86_64-linux ia64-hp-openvms ia64-hp-openvms

In the code below, replace with your git project path


5.1 Build canadian gcc

The script below will ask you a few questions and verifications, without exiting in error. It will ask for your root password, so it is your duty to review it.

   $ ./scripts/

If all is going fine, you will end with a list of all ia64-hp-openvms executables

5.2 Build canadian binutils

We will build binutils only to use the as component. The ld component will be built in gcc (above), as it is a wrapper to the VMS LINKER

The script below will ask you a few questions and verifications, without exiting in error. It will ask for your root password, so it is your duty to review it.

   $ ./scripts/

5.3 Upload compiler parts to VMS

5.3.1 Compiler binary files

rm -rf $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/*
cd $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/builds/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms-canadian/src/BUILD/gcc-4.7.4-canadian/gcc/
zip $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/ gnatmake.exe gnatlink.exe gnat.exe gnatbind.exe gnat1.exe ld.exe
cp xgcc.exe $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/gcc.exe
cp /opt/local/4.7/canadian/bin/as $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/as.exe
zip $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/ $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/as.exe
zip $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/ $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/gcc.exe

5.3.2 Compiler crt files

cd $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/builds/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms-canadian/src/BUILD/gcc-4.7.4-canadian/gcc/
zip $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/ pcrt0.o crtbegin.o crtend.o

5.3.3 Compiler Ada runtime files

:warning: Warning !, sudo is used here.

cd /opt/local/4.7/canadian/lib/gcc/ia64-hp-openvms/4.7.4/
sudo cp $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/builds/4.7/ia64-hp-openvms-canadian/src/BUILD/gcc-4.7.4-canadian/gcc/libgcc.a adalib
zip -r $GNAT_VMS_ROOT_PATH/dist/ adalib adainclude

Using your favorite ftp client, upload the zip archives to VMS. Kindly note that any file can be erroneous if transfered without the zip encapsulation.

5.4 Setup VMS compiler environment

5.4.1 setup compiler directory structure


5.4.2 deploy the compiler



5.4.3 setup compiler

The following with enable you to use the compiler using GNAT MAKE hello.adb

GNAT :==$DISK$USERS:[2018.GNAT.BIN]gnat.exe
AS :==$DISK$USERS:[2018.GNAT.BIN]as.exe
GNATMAKE :==$DISK$USERS:[2018.GNAT.BIN]gnatmake.exe
GCC :==$DISK$USERS:[2018.GNAT.BIN]gcc.exe

5.4.4 Little tweak for crt files

unzip the in your working directory for the crt files to be taken during link time.

6. Enjoy !