Adalab / Project-Promo-U-Module-2-Team-5

Springfield school cards
MIT License
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Proyecto de Tarjetas para Organizar a los Alumnos Graduados

Description πŸ’¬

This project involves developing a virtual card system to organize and maintain a record of the students who have graduated from the school. These cards will efficiently store individualized information for each student, making it easier to search and access.

Functionalities πŸƒ

The card system will include the following main functionalities:

Create card: It will allow you to create a new card for a graduate student by entering their basic information such as name, last name, contact phone, etc.

Edit card: It will allow you to modify the information of a graduate student, updating the data stored on their card.

View and send card: It will display the information of a particular student in a clear and organized manner, based on their corresponding card.

Built πŸ› οΈ

Setup πŸš€

  1. Clone the repo: using:
 git clone
  1. Once you've download or cloned the project, install it with NPM packages:
npm install
  1. After that, if you want to run it in local, execute this command:
npm start

Authors βœ’οΈ

This project is developed and maintained by: