AdamPS / rrssb-plus

Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons Plus
MIT License
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Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons Plus

Social sharing buttons that you can drop into any website with attractive SVG-based icons, small download, and browser compatibility. RRSSB+ automatically adjusts to different screen sizes by tweaking sizes, splitting buttons evenly onto multiple rows and hiding the labels.

The library offers consistently styled buttons for all sites. No 3rd-party scripts (such as from Facebook), with the inherent overheads and different button designs.

Two rows of buttons with prefix and label   Small buttons   Vertical align

Developed by AlbanyWeb. Based on RRSSB "Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons" by KNI.

Installation instructions

If you use the Drupal CMS then you can automatically install this library with a module — see demo. If you use Backdrop CMS you can install a module which bundles this library through the Project Installer interface.

Otherwise, you can examine the source of the demo page to see how to do it. Search for <div class="rrssb"> to find the HTML for the buttons. You need to load rrssb.min.js and rrssb.css. To configure this library, make a call to rrssbConfigAll.

Main changes from RRSSB

Performance changes

Compatibility changes