AdamWelchUK / NodeRedEPEverDashboard

A node red based dashboard for most EPEver/EPSolar solar charge controllers.
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Inconsistent values on solar & batt power? #12

Open emiura opened 2 years ago

emiura commented 2 years ago

I have started using you dashboard today, but I wonder if the graphs for solar & batt power need some adjustment, because sometimes they appear to report a value way lower than the values on left panel. For example, sometimes my generation hits values higher than 500W, but the graph show values like 30 or 50W. error

jphein commented 2 years ago

Same thing happened to me, everytime power was generated above a certain level. I ended up just multiplying volts by amps instead. I think it is a Tracer - AN issue? Maybe a power factor thing? Just guessing.

AdamWelchUK commented 2 years ago

Solar power is calculated using two 16bit modbus registers and my solar panels don't generate enough power to overflow and use the higher register. This was one of the bits I could never really check I'm afraid If you can capture a modbus response for me (like my 'fake stats for testing' string) and let me know the value you think should be shown, I can try edit the code to suit. Eg. [ 1357, 0, 50, 0, 1275, 5, 63, 0, 1275, 5, 63, 0, 756, 1470 ] 13.5 watts Or else you could start playing around with the code in the '32bit register conversion /100' node.