A node red based dashboard for most EPEver/EPSolar solar charge controllers.
This dashboard has been tested with EPSolar Landstar PWM, EPEver Tracer A, Tracer AN and TriRon solar charge controllers.
It reads live and historical stats and displays them in graphs using the standard Node Red UI.
It also allows you to change a number of the charging parameters which are accessible when you select 'User' battery type.
Full instructions for installing raspbian, node red and the flow is below.
This has been tested on an original Raspberry Pi 1 as well as a raspberry pi 4 using node red within Hass.io (docker).
I've used a range of different techniques within the flow both for my own learning and to outline to others how it is possible to do many of these processes in different ways. Much of this flow could have been completed in a couple of function nodes, but my javascript skills are fairly basic and I think that may have been more confusing for a node red novice. This is meant to be a basis for people to build upon rather than a finished product.
A full list of EPSolar ModBus Registers is avaialble here: http://www.solar-elektro.cz/data/dokumenty/1733_modbus_protocol.pdf
sudo raspi-config
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
1st method - run
sudo apt-get install nodered
2nd method - run
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
3rd method - use Peter Scargills Super Script https://tech.scargill.net/the-script/ (it can be used to install node-red against a load of other handy packages, but is beyond the scope of this guide)
sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
sudo reboot now
The two flows will have been imported and you can now set about configuring them.
You will need to configure the Modbus Server by double clicking on one of the red modbus nodes.
If you'd like to log the data to a influxDB or to a csv files these nodes can be enabled and configured by double clicking them.
To access the statistics and adjust settings you must accesshttp://Your.IP.Add.ress:1880/ui