AddressForAll / site-v2

New AddressForAll website, version 3 of attempts to make it better
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

AddressForAll website version 2

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. See more details at documentation, /_docs.

How to install

First clone this repo and install the node modules

git clone
cd site-v2/

Install using Linux makefile, that show your options first:


Install wihout make

Install direct:

npm install

Notice the use of --force, this is for resolve the ERESOLVE could not resolve npm Error. Get the documentation here Fixed!"react-dom": "18.0.0"

Then you can either:

Run the development server

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Generate the static version

npm run build

Verify yourself

To prove that this works, run:

npm run serve

and open your browser at http://localhost:8080

You can now deploy the out/ folder to any static webserver.

To remove the rehydration data regex: <script id="__NEXT_DATA__((.|n)*)script> from all pages of the static website run the following command after the build has finished:

find out -name '*.html' | xargs perl -0777 -pi -e 's/<script id="__NEXT_DATA__.*?script>//sg;'


For this source-code, see LICENSE file (Apache v2). For libraries and /public assets dependencies: