AdguardTeam / AdGuardDNSClient

Client tool for AdGuard DNS
Apache License 2.0
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AdGuard DNS Client

AdGuard DNS Logo

Screenshot showing the logs of AdGuard DNS Client

A cross-platform lightweight DNS client for AdGuard DNS. It operates as a DNS server that forwards DNS requests to the corresponding upstream resolvers.

Quick start

[!WARNING] AdGuard DNS Client is still in the Beta stage. It may be unstable.

Supported operating systems:

Supported CPU architectures:

Getting started


  1. Download and unpack the .tar.gz or .zip archive from the releases page.

    [!WARNING] On macOS, it's crucial that globally installed daemons are owned by root (see the launchd documentation), so the AdGuardDNSClient executable must be placed in the /Applications/ directory or its subdirectory.

  2. Install it as a service by running:

    ./AdGuardDNSClient -s install -v
  3. Edit the configuration file config.yaml.

  4. Start the service:

    ./AdGuardDNSClient -s start -v

To check that it works, use any DNS checking utility. For example, using nslookup:

nslookup -debug '' ''


Just download and install using the MSI installer from the releases page.

To check that it works, use any DNS checking utility. For example, using nslookup.exe:

nslookup -debug "" ""

Developing and contributing

See for more details on how to contribute.

Development quick start

You will need Go 1.22 or later. First, register our pre-commit hooks:

make init

Then, install the necessary tools and dependencies:

make go-deps go-tools

That’s pretty much it! You should now be able to lint, test, and build the AdGuardDNSClient binary:

make go-lint
make go-test
make go-build

For building packages, you might need additional tools, such as GnuPG, MSI Tools (v0.103 and later), etc. See ./scripts/make/

Command-line options

Each option overrides the corresponding value provided by the configuration file and the environment.


Option -h makes AdGuard DNS Client print out a help message to standard output and exit with a success status-code.


Option -s <value> specifies the OS service action. Possible values are:


Option -v enables the verbose log output.


Option --version makes AdGuard DNS Client print out the version of the AdGuardDNSClient executable to standard output and exit with a success status-code.


The YAML configuration file is described in its own article, and there is also a sample configuration file config.dist.yaml. Some configuration parameters can also be overridden using the environment.

Exit codes

There are a few different exit codes that may appear under different error conditions: