> ### Disclaimer
>* AdGuard VPN CLI is not an open source project. We use GitHub as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on. However, we at AdGuard create [a lot of open source software](https://github.com/search?o=desc&q=topic%3Aopen-source+org%3AAdguardTeam+fork%3Atrue&s=stars&type=Repositories).
> * Privacy policy: https://adguard-vpn.com/privacy.html
## Overview
AdGuard VPN CLI provides a command-line interface for managing VPN connection.
## Installation
To install the latest version of AdGuard VPN CLI, run the following command:
Release channel:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/HEAD/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v
Beta channel:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/HEAD/scripts/beta/install.sh | sh -s -- -v
Nightly channel:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/HEAD/scripts/nightly/install.sh | sh -s -- -v
## Verify Releases
Inside an archive file there's a small file with `.sig` extension which contains the signature data. In a hypothetic
situation when the binary file inside an archive is replaced by someone, you'll know that it isn't an official release
from AdGuard.
To verify the signature, you need to have the `gpg` tool installed.
First, import the AdGuard public key:
gpg --keyserver 'keys.openpgp.org' --recv-key '28645AC9776EC4C00BCE2AFC0FE641E7235E2EC6'
Then, verify the signature:
gpg --verify /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli.sig
If you use custom installation path, replace `/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli.sig` with the path to the signature
file. It should be in the same directory as the binary file.
You'll see something like this:
gpg: assuming signed data in 'adguardvpn-cli'
gpg: Signature made Wed Feb 28 19:24:43 2024 +08
gpg: using RSA key 28645AC9776EC4C00BCE2AFC0FE641E7235E2EC6
gpg: issuer "devteam@adguard.com"
gpg: Good signature from "AdGuard " [ultimate]
Check the following:
- RSA key: must be `28645AC9776EC4C00BCE2AFC0FE641E7235E2EC6`;
- issuer name: must be `AdGuard`;
- E-mail address: must be `devteam@adguard.com`;
There may also be the following warning:
gpg: WARNING: The key's User ID is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 2864 5AC9 776E C4C0 0BCE 2AFC 0FE6 41E7 235E 2EC6
## Usage
Run `adguardvpn-cli [command]` to use the VPN service. Below are the available commands and their options:
### General Options
- `-h, --help`: Print the help message and exit.
- `--help-all`: Expand all help.
- `-v, --version`: Display program version information and exit.
### Subcommands
Each subcommand has its own set of options. Run `adguardvpn-cli [command] --help` to see the list of available options.
#### login
Log in to the VPN service.
- `-u, --username TEXT`: Username for login.
- `-p, --password TEXT`: Password for login.
#### logout
Log out from the VPN service.
#### list-locations
List all available VPN locations.
- `count INT`: Number of locations to display, sorted by ping.
- `--bash-completion TEXT`: List suggestions for bash-completion.
#### connect
Connect to the VPN service.
- `-l, --location TEXT`: Specify the location to connect to (city name, country name, or ISO code). Defaults to the last used location.
- `-f, --fastest`: Connect to the fastest available location.
- `-v, --verbose`: Show log from the VPN service.
- `--no-fork`: Do not fork the VPN service to the background.
- `-y, --yes`: Automatically answer 'yes' to all questions.
- `-4, --ipv4only`: Force the application to connect only to IPv4 servers.
- `-6, --ipv6only`: Force the application to connect only to IPv6 servers.
#### disconnect
Stop the VPN service.
#### status
Display the current status of the VPN service.
#### license
Get license information.
#### config
Configure the VPN service with the following subcommands:
- `set-mode`: Set VPN operating mode (TUN/SOCKS). SOCKS default address is ``. You can adjust the port number.
- `set-dns`: Set the DNS upstream server.
- `set-socks-port`: Set the SOCKS port.
- `set-socks-host`: Set the SOCKS listen host. For non-localhost addresses, you need to protect the proxy with a username and password.
- `set-socks-username`: Set the SOCKS username.
- `set-socks-password`: Set the SOCKS password.
- `clear-socks-auth`: Clear the SOCKS username and password.
- `set-system-dns`: Set the system DNS servers.
- `set-tun-routing-mode`: Set VPN tunnel routing mode (AUTO/SCRIPT/NONE).
- `create-route-script`: Create a route script with proper permissions.
- `send-reports`: Send crash reports to developers.
- `set-update-channel`: Set the update channel (release, beta, nightly).
- `set-use-quic`: Set whether to use QUIC protocol.
- `set-show-hints`: Show hints after command execution.
- `set-debug-logging`: Enable or disable debug logging.
- `set-show-notifications`: Show notifications about the VPN connection status.
- `show`: Show the current configuration.
#### check-update
Check for updates to the VPN service.
#### export-logs
Export logs to a zip file.
- `-o, --output TEXT`: Path to the output artifact. Can be a directory.
- `-f, --force`: Overwrite the output artifact without asking.
#### update
Install the latest version if available.
- `-v, --verbose`: Show update script output.
- `-y, --yes`: Automatically answer 'yes' to all questions.
#### site-exclusions
Control site exclusions with the following subcommands:
- `add`: Add specified exclusions.
- `remove`: Remove specified exclusions.
- `show`: Show all exclusions.
- `clear`: Clear all exclusions.
- `mode`: Set VPN exclusion mode (general/selective) or show the current mode if no options are passed.