AdiKo / RPCSniffer

RPCSniffer sniffs WINDOWS RPC messages in a given RPC server process.
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RPCSniffer sniffs RPC messages in a given RPC server process.

sniffing example in spoolsv process

General Information

With RPCSniffer you can explore RPC Messages that present on Microsoft system. The data given for each RPC message contains the following details:

Install steps

  1. Install python 2.7 (64 bit)

  2. Install the latest Winappdbg python package

  3. Install Wireshark

  4. Intsall the latest Pyreshark python module for wireshark

  5. grab the file _"pyreshark_rpc_dissector/" to "c:\Program Files\Wireshark\python\protocols\"


  1. Start Wireshark from cmd and prepare it to use rpcsniffer's pipe
    "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -i \\.\pipe\RPCSniffer
  1. Run python with the server process to listen
    python --help
    usage: [-h] (-p PID | -n PROCNAME) error: one of the arguments -p/--pid -n/--procname is required
  1. go back to wireshark and click "start"
  2. from now you'll get all rpc messages in wireshark


Check the wiki for more info.


This project is a POC for now, but you can help me add some stunning features that will allow us to really understand RPC internals.

Anyway, I'd be more than happy to receive bug reports, suggestions and anything else.

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