AdnanHodzic / containerized-wordpress-project

Automagically deploy & run WordPress with Let's Encrypt HTTPS encryption using Ansible & Docker
GNU General Public License v3.0
42 stars 22 forks source link
amazon-web-services ansible ansible-role aws blog centos containerization containers debian docker docker-compose letsencrypt letsencrypt-certificates lightsail linux mysql nginx playbook ubuntu wordpress


If you're interested in running WordPress on Kubernetes please refer to my wp-k8s project.

Automagically deploy & run containerized WordPress with Let's Encrypt HTTPS encryption using Ansible + Docker.

This whole process will be completed in <= 5 minutes and doesn't require any Docker or Ansible knowledge!

Supported platforms:

Blog post discussion:


HowTo: run containerized-wordpress playbook?

Once you have everything that was mentioned in "Requirements" section, this whole process will consists of 3 steps:

1. Get source code for containerized-wordpress-proejct, i.e:

git clone

2. Update containerized-wordpress-project/hosts inventory file with AWS instance URL or Public IP, i.e:


3. Install dependency roles

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

4. Run containerized-wordpress playbook, using hosts inventory file, i.e:

ansible-playbook containerized-wordpress.yml -i hosts

After which all you need to do is follow on screen instructions. Process which in <= 5 minutes, host you defined in "hosts" will be fully updated, configured and running containerized WordPress instance.

Please note that default values are defined in square brackets, which you can use by simply hitting enter, i.e:

Specify WordPress database name [wordpress]:

In this case your WordPress database name will be: "wordpress".

5. Let's Encrypt certificates (HTTPS encryption)

Example of site stage parameter:

Is specified site live (DNS is setup)?

Import info: [staging]:

It's strongly recommended to use staging (default) with your initial deployment to test potential setup. In this case, a self-signed certificate will be created with Let's Encrypt's staging environemnt.

Only use production if DNS is setup and propagated for the specified domain name. In this case, an actual Let's Encrypt certificate will be registered and in case of failure you may hit rate limit for your domain! For more information, please see Let's Encrypt Rate Limit

HowTo: run containerized-wordpress playbook in non interactive mode (parameters)?

If you want to run this playbook in non interactive mode (which is enabled by default) using parameters, you can do so by running i.e:

ansible-playbook containerized-wordpress.yml -i hosts --extra-vars \
"distribution=1 system_user=ubuntu stage=staging 
wp_version=5.2.3 wp_db_user=admin wp_db_psw=change-M3 db_root_psw=change-M3 
wp_db_name=wpdb wp_db_tb_pre=wp_ wp_db_host=mysql"

Technical rationale/What is this sorcery?

Once run, this (containerized-wordpress) playbook will guide you through interactive setup of all 3 containers (WordPress, Nginx with Let's Encrypt for HTTPS encryption and MySQL). After which it will run all above mentioned Ansible roles. End result is that host you have never even SSH-ed to will be fully configured and running containerized WordPress image out of box.

Step 1: Setup local environment to run all necessary roles

It will create roles/ directory inside of containerized-wordpress-project/

Step 2: Install roles from requirements.yml to roles directory (roles/)

Roles it will install are:


This Ansible role will install Python on newly bootstrapped Ubuntu/Debian host. This is usually a new host which you never even SSH-ed to. In order for Ansible to work, Python must be installed (if missing).


This Ansible role will install Python on newly bootstrapped CentOS/RedHat host. This is usually a new host which you never even SSH-ed to. In order for Ansible to work, Python must be installed (if missing).


This Ansible role will perform upgrade of all software packages on Ubuntu/Debian host. After which it will reboot host (only if required). If reboot was performed, it'll wait until host is back-up.


This Ansible role will perform upgrade of all software packages on CentOS/RedHat host. After which it will reboot host (only if required). If reboot was performed, it'll wait until host is back-up.


This Ansible role will perform all necessary tasks to setup and run Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu/Debian:


This Ansible role will perform all necessary tasks to setup and run Docker and Docker Compose on CentOS/RedHat:


This Ansible playbook will Deploy & run Docker Compose project for WordPress instance. It will also configure Let's Encrypt certificates for specified domain. It consists of 3 separate (mutually connected) containers running: WordPress, Nginx (Let's Encrypt) and MySQL


Q: In case of host reboot, will all services and Docker images start automatically on boot?

A: Yes

Q: Are Let's Encrypt certificates automatically renewed?

A: Yes

Q: Are multiple subdomains supported?

A: Yes, as part of deployed docker-compose.yml file simply extend it to:

DOMAINS: -> http://wordpress:80, -> http://wordpress:80'

This will allow you to add as many subdomains as necessary.

Q: Updating WordPress is requesting FTP connection information, can this be avoided?

A: Yes, on deployed host add:


line to the bottom of wp-config.php file, i.e : ~/compose-wordpress/wordpress/wp-config.php

Once the file is saved, changes are immidate. This will allow you to seamlessly upgrade Wordpress through web interface.

If you have any issues or questions, please feel free to submit an issue.


Since I'm working on this project in free time, please consider supporting this project by making a donation of any amount!

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