AdrKacz / super-fishstick

Let's build a Twitter Bot with ChatGPT 🤖
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Artificial Twitter Bot 🤖

Let's build a Twitter Bot with ChatGPT 🤖

I will use ChatGPT to create a Twitter bot. I will only prompt it and execute its answers. If it needs to code and it makes error, I won't correct the code myself, instead I will tell it about the errors and let it correct it self. The objective is to play with ChatGPT and have fun time while discovering a new technology I never used before: Twitter bots.

The project will be completed if

Every below comes from ChatGPT. I can combine its answers, reword, or reorder its answers but I cannot change the meaning.


  1. Decide on the theme/niche of your Twitter bot. This will help you determine the kind of content you'll be posting.
  2. Create a new Twitter account for your bot. Make sure the username and profile picture are relevant to your niche.
  3. Choose a programming language to build your bot. Python is a popular choice and has libraries like Tweepy that make it easy to interact with the Twitter API.
  4. Apply for a Twitter Developer Account and create a new app to get the necessary API keys and access tokens to interact with the Twitter API.
  5. Install Tweepy or any other relevant libraries to interact with the Twitter API in your chosen programming language.
  6. Write scripts that generate none offended tweets based on your chosen theme using AI language models like GPT-3 or a combination of keyword searches and text generation algorithms.
    1. Add relevant hashtags to your tweets to help them reach a wider audience.
  7. Schedule your bot to post tweets at regular intervals using a task scheduler or cron job. You can use free serverless platforms like AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions to run your bot's code.
  8. Monitor your bot's performance using the Twitter API, and adjust your strategy if necessary. Use analytics tools like Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn to analyze the performance of your bot's tweets.
    1. Analyze the demographics and interests of your followers to create content that resonates with them.
  9. Interact with your audience. Respond to their comments, retweet their tweets, and follow them back.
  10. Promote your bot on other social media platforms or forums related to your niche.


The theme will be Film and TV reviews and will focus on Reviews of popular Netflix dramas

Film and TV reviews > Reviews of popular TV shows > Reviews of current streaming service dramas > Reviews of Netflix dramas > Reviews of popular Netflix dramas

Twitter account