AdrianAntico / QuickEcharts

Fast and easy echarts with polars backend for wrangling and a simple API
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
15 stars 0 forks source link


QuickEcharts is a Python package that enables one to plot Echarts quickly. It piggybacks off of the pyecharts package that pipes into Apache Echarts. Pyecharts is a great package for fully customizing plots but is quite a challenge to make use of quickly. QuickEcharts solves this with a simple API for defining plotting elements and data, along with automatic data wrangling operations, using polars, to correctly structure data fast.

For the Code Examples below, there is a dataset in the QuickEcharts/datasets folder named FakeBevData.csv that you can download for replication purposes.


pip install QuickEcharts


pip install git+

Code Examples


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Area( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = None, FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Opacity = 0.5, GradientColor1 = '#e12191', GradientColor2 = '#0926800d', LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Area Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Area( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Opacity = 0.5, GradientColor1 = '#c86589', GradientColor2 = '#06a7ff0d', LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Area( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Opacity = 0.5, GradientColor1 = '#c86589', GradientColor2 = '#06a7ff0d', LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Bar( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = None, FacetCols = 1, FacetRows = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Bar Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = 'Daily Liters', YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = 'Date', XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#lightgray", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Bar( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetCols = 1, FacetRows = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Bar Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Bar( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetCols = 2, FacetRows = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Bar Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Bar3D( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Brand', XVar = 'Category', ZVar = 'Daily Liters', AggMethod = 'mean', ZVarTrans = "logmin", RenderHTML = False, Theme = 'wonderland', BarColors = ["#00b8ff", "#0097e1", "#0876b8", "#004fa7", "#012e6d"], BackgroundColor = "#000", Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Bar3D Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.BoxPlot( dt = data, SampleSize = 100000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', GroupVar = 'Brand', YVarTrans = "logmin", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Box Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 42, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Copula( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', GroupVar = None, FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'mean', RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Copula Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = 'Daily Liters', YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = 'Daily Units', XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Copula( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'mean', RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Copula Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Copula( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'mean', RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Copula Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Copula3D( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', ZVar = 'Daily Margin', ColorMapVar = "ZVar", AggMethod = 'mean', RenderHTML = False, RangeColor = ["red", "white", "blue"], Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Density( dt = data, SampleSize = 500000, YVar = "Daily Liters", GroupVar = None, FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, YVarTrans = "sqrt", RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, FillOpacity = 0.5, Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Density Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', XAxisTitle = 'Daily Liters', XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", VerticalLine = 5, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = 225000, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Density( dt = data, SampleSize = 100000, YVar = "Daily Liters", GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, YVarTrans = "sqrt", RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, FillOpacity = 0.5, Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Density Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Donut( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'count', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", Title = 'Donut Chart', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Legend = 'right', LegendPosRight = '5%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Funnel( dt = data, CategoryVar = ['Daily Units', 'Daily Revenue', 'Daily Margin', 'Daily Liters'], ValuesVar = [100, 80, 60, 40], RenderHTML = False, SeriesLabel = "Funnel Data", SortStyle = 'descending', Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", Title = "Funnel", TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Funnel( dt = data, CategoryVar = ['Daily Units', 'Daily Revenue', 'Daily Margin', 'Daily Liters'], ValuesVar = [100, 80, 60, 40], RenderHTML = False, SeriesLabel = "Funnel Data", SortStyle = 'ascending', Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", Title = "Funnel", TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Heatmap( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Brand', XVar = 'Category', MeasureVar = 'Daily Liters', AggMethod = 'mean', MeasureVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", LabelColor = "#fff", Theme = 'dark', RangeColor = ["#5b5b5b5d", "#00c4ff", "#9cff00"], BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Heatmap', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Histogram( dt = data, SampleSize = 100000, YVar = "Daily Liters", GroupVar = None, FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, YVarTrans = "logmin", RenderHTML = True, Theme = 'dark', CategoryGap = "0%", BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Histogram', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', XAxisTitle = "Horray", XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'right', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '15%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", VerticalLine = 10, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = 40000, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "elasticOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Histogram( dt = data, SampleSize = 500000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, YVarTrans = None, RenderHTML = False NumberBins = 20, CategoryGap = "10%", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = "#000", Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Histogram', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Line( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = ['Daily Liters', 'Daily Margin', 'Daily Revenue', 'Daily Units'], XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = None, FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, SmoothLine = True, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = None, SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = 'Date', XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'right', LegendPosRight = '5%', LegendPosTop = '15%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Line( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, SmoothLine = True, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Line( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, SmoothLine = True, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Parallel( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, Vars = ['Daily Liters', 'Daily Units', 'Daily Revenue', 'Daily Margin'], VarsTrans = ['logmin'] * 4, RenderHTML = False, SymbolSize = 6, Opacity = 0.05, LineWidth = 0.20, Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", Title = 'Parallel Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Pie( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'count', YVarTrans = None, RenderHTML = False, Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", Title = 'Pie Chart', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Legend = "right", LegendPosRight = '5%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Radar( dt = data, YVar = 'Daily Liters', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'mean', YVarTrans = None, RenderHTML = False, LabelColor = '#fff', LineColors = ["#ed1690", "#8e5fa8", "#00a6fb", "#213f7f", "#22c0df"], Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", Title = 'Radar Chart', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Legend = 'right', LegendPosRight = '2%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.River( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVars = ['Daily Liters', 'Daily Units', 'Daily Revenue', 'Daily Margin'], DateVar = 'Date', GroupVar = None, AggMethod = "sum", YVarTrans = None, RenderHTML = False, Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, AxisPointerType = "cross", Title = "River Plot", TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Legend = 'right', LegendPosRight = '5%', LegendPosTop = '15%', LegendBorderSize = 0.25, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.River( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVars = 'Daily Liters', DateVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = "sum", YVarTrans = None, RenderHTML = False, Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Width = None, Height = None, AxisPointerType = "cross", Title = "River Plot", TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Rosetype( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'count', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Type = "radius", Radius = "55%", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", Title = 'Rosetype Chart', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Legend = 'right', LegendPosRight = '5%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Scatter( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', GroupVar = None, FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'mean', YVarTrans = "logmin", XVarTrans = "logmin", RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Scatter Plot', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = 'Daily Liters', YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = 'Daily Units', XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = 'top', LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '2%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "lightgray", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Scatter( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'mean', YVarTrans = "Identity", XVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Scatter Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Scatter( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'mean', YVarTrans = "Identity", XVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Scatter Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Scatter3D( dt = data, SampleSize = 15000, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Daily Units', ZVar = 'Daily Margin', ColorMapVar = "ZVar", AggMethod = 'mean', YVarTrans = "logmin", XVarTrans = "logmin", ZVarTrans = "logmin", RenderHTML = False, SymbolSize = 6, Theme = 'dark', RangeColor = ["red", "white", "blue"], BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](

Stacked Area

Click for code example ```python # Environment import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.StackedArea( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, Opacity = 0.5, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = None, SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'dark', BackgroundColor = None, Width = "1200px", Height = "750px", ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Stacked Area', TitleColor = "lightgray", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = "right", LegendPosRight = '2%', LegendPosTop = '10%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](

Stacked Bar

Click for code example ```python # Environment import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.StackedBar( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Stacked Bar', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](

Stacked Line

Click for code example ```python # Environment import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.StackedLine( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, SmoothLine = True, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Stacked Line', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](

Stacked Step

Click for code example ```python # Environment import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.StackedStep( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Width = None, Height = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Area Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](


Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Step( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = ['Daily Liters', 'Daily Margin', 'Daily Revenue', 'Daily Units'], XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = None, FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Height = None, Width = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Step( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 1, FacetCols = 1, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Height = None, Width = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![]( ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.Step( dt = data, PreAgg = False, YVar = 'Daily Liters', XVar = 'Date', GroupVar = 'Brand', FacetRows = 2, FacetCols = 2, FacetLevels = None, TimeLine = False, AggMethod = 'sum', YVarTrans = "Identity", RenderHTML = False, LineWidth = 2, Symbol = "emptyCircle", SymbolSize = 6, ShowLabels = False, LabelPosition = "top", Theme = 'wonderland', BackgroundColor = None, Height = None, Width = None, ToolBox = True, Brush = True, DataZoom = True, Title = 'Line Plot', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, AxisPointerType = 'cross', YAxisTitle = None, YAxisNameLocation = 'middle', YAxisNameGap = 70, XAxisTitle = None, XAxisNameLocation = 'middle', XAxisNameGap = 42, Legend = None, LegendPosRight = '0%', LegendPosTop = '5%', LegendBorderSize = 1, LegendTextColor = "#fff", VerticalLine = None, VerticalLineName = 'Line Name', HorizontalLine = None, HorizontalLineName = 'Line Name', AnimationThreshold = 2000, AnimationDuration = 1000, AnimationEasing = "cubicOut", AnimationDelay = 0, AnimationDurationUpdate = 300, AnimationEasingUpdate = "cubicOut", AnimationDelayUpdate = 0) # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](

Word Cloud

Click for code example ```python # Environment import pkg_resources import polars as pl from QuickEcharts import Charts from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = 'jupyter_lab' # Pull Data from Package FilePath = "..FakeBevData.csv" data = pl.read_csv(FilePath) # Create Plot in Jupyter Lab p1 = Charts.WordCloud( dt = data, SampleSize = 100000, YVar = 'Brand', RenderHTML = False, SymbolType = 'diamond', Title = 'Word Cloud', TitleColor = "#fff", TitleFontSize = 20, SubTitle = None, SubTitleColor = "#fff", SubTitleFontSize = 12, Theme = 'wonderland') # Needed to display p1.load_javascript() # In new cell p1.render_notebook() ``` ![](