Advanced-Software-Engineering-UMKC / Nine-Mens-Morris

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Screen shot of game running

Screenshot of Nine-Mens-Morris

Running the Project

1. Create a Virtual Environment (Recommended but not necessary):

A virtual environment isolates project dependencies from your system's Python environment, preventing conflicts.


2. Activate virtual Environment

Additonal notes:

Running the tests in Visual Studio Code

1. Make sure the Python extension is installed

2. Run pytests discovery command to discover and run all unit tests

   pytest tests/

3. Configure Testing in the sidebar

3. When writing new tests always put 'test_' at the front of every file name and test method name

Styling Guide

1. We are using the Microsoft style guide and to enforce this are making use of the python plugins:

Debug Guide

1. The launch.json in the .vscode folder contains the configuration info for running the app from the 'Run and Debug' tab in vscode

2. The IDE should detect this right away. You may need to select to use the existing configuration file in the 'Run and Debug' tab