AdvancedPhotonSource / traveler

MIT License
3 stars 7 forks source link



For detailed deployment instructions please see

Deployment of the traveler module:

# Make a new directory to hold the traveler module and its support
mkdir traveler
cd traveler
git clone distribution
cd distribution
# Install all of the support software
make support
# Automate configuration of the application
make default-config
# Navigate to configuration directory
cd ../etc/traveler-config
# End of output from make dev-config has a list of file(s) that need to be edited
nano ad.json

Starting the traveler module:

# Navigate to the distirbution of the traveler module
# When using the support mongodb, start the mongodb part of support
./etc/init.d/traveler-mongodb start
# It is good to start the project using node to make sure everything works properly.
node app.js
# When everything works, start traveler as daemon
./etc/init.d/traveler-webapp start
# Check progress of traveler-webapp
./etc/init.d/traveler-webapp status

Installing docker version (not for production use, but good for development and evaluation)

  1. centos docker install (centos)
    • uninstall old docker versions
      sudo yum remove docker \
                docker-client \
                docker-client-latest \
                docker-common \
                docker-latest \
                docker-latest-logrotate \
                docker-logrotate \
                docker-selinux \
                docker-engine-selinux \
    • install docker CE
      sudo yum install -y yum-utils \
      device-mapper-persistent-data \
      sudo yum-config-manager \
      --add-repo \
      sudo yum install docker-ce
      sudo systemctl start docker
    • test docker install
      sudo docker run hello-world
    • configure docker to start on boot
      sudo systemctl enable docker
    • install docker-compose
      sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
      sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
      sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
    • test docker-compose
      sudo docker-compose --version
  2. create docker network for running traveler related apps
    sudo docker network create -d bridge --subnet traveler-dev
  3. install dependencies
    • traveler-mongo
      • clone git repo
        git clone (to e.g., ~/git/traveler)
      • run traveler-mongo
        sudo docker-compose up 
      • access mongo express at http://localhost:8081. The username is traveler, and password is travelerpass.
    • traveler-ldap
      • clone git repo
        git clone
      • run
        sudo docker-compose up
      • test
        • You can check the state of the openladp service via the php ldap admin web https://localhost:6443. There is a default admin account that you can use to log in user name: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org password: admin
  4. install traveler
    • clone git repo
      git clone
    • to run and test
      • must “sudo docker-compose up” traveler-mongo and traveler-ldap as described above first
        sudo docker-compose up
      • URL to run traveler is https://localhost:3001
      • find a user login in the ldap file traveler-ldap/seed/traveler.ldif

Style and Lint

prettier is configured in prettier.config.js and .prettierignore, and hooked with git at package.json. The prettier will process for js, json, css, and md files when the hooked action is triggered via husky. The prettier can be run mannually as ./node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js --config ./prettier.config.js --write {.,config/**,lib/**,model/**,public/javascripts/**,public/stylesheets/**,routes/**,test/**,utilities/**}/*.{js,json,css,md} .

Recommend to use ESLint to lint the code before committing. The ESLint configuration file is .eslintrc.
