AdvisorySG / mentorship-streamlit

Dashboard for Advisory's Mentorship website.
MIT License
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Streamlit Dashboard

This branch contains the Streamlit dashboard for real-time insights into both mentorship application data and traffic analysis on the mentorship website.

Project Structure

The main script is which contains the demo dashboard as well as page configurations. The pages directory contains the scripts for the two pages of the dashboard: and

├──    <-- main script
└── pages
    ├── # insights into mentorship application data
    └── # traffic analysis on the mentorship website

Getting Started

First set up Poetry, which is used to manage dependencies.

Then execute the following commands:

$ poetry shell # enter the virtualenv created by Poetry
$ poetry install --no-root # install dependencies using Poetry
$ streamlit run # access the dashboard by navigating to the provided URL in your web browser

Now set up pre-commit hooks:

$ pre-commit install