AegeusCoin / aegeus-ui

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Welcome to the Aegeus IPFS system

Here we proudly bring you a preview of the Aegeus user interface.


A full walk through of the demo is here: QmYd7FRVWogUQqwDUFhwrvbNMohfips5b4y5X38Ys6Khzr

Installing Docker

Currently, this installation requires a working Docker environment.

To verify that your Docker env is setup properly, you can list the running containers like this ...

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

The Aegeus images

In total there are four Docker images to make up the complete system.

  1. aegeus/aegeusd
  2. aegeus/aegeus-ipfs
  3. aegeus/aegeus-jaxrs
  4. aegeus/aegeus-webui

What follows is an installation guide for all four containers. However, if you already have IPFS and AEG running locally, you will not need to run these in Docker again. For a mixed setup with already running IPFS & AEG service and newly hosted Docker services go here.


Here is the quickstart to get the whole system running in no time ...


docker run --detach --name aegd -p 29328:29328 --memory=300m --memory-swap=2g aegeus/aegeusd
docker run --detach --name aeg-ipfs -p 4001:4001 -p 8080:8080 -e GATEWAYIP=$GATEWAYIP --memory=300m --memory-swap=2g aegeus/aegeus-ipfs
docker run --detach --name aeg-jaxrs --link aegd:blockchain --link aeg-ipfs:ipfs --memory=100m --memory-swap=2g aegeus/aegeus-jaxrs
docker run --detach --name aeg-webui -p 8082:8082 --link aegd:blockchain --link aeg-ipfs:ipfs --link aeg-jaxrs:jaxrs --memory=100m --memory-swap=2g --env NESSUS_WEBUI_LABEL=Bob aegeus/aegeus-webui

You should now be able to access the WebUI at:

Updating the installation

Remove all running containers

docker rm -f `docker ps -aq`

Pull the latest image versions

docker pull aegeus/aegeusd
docker pull aegeus/aegeus-ipfs
docker pull aegeus/aegeus-jaxrs
docker pull aegeus/aegeus-webui

Then, start again by running these containers.

Building this project

You can use the standard maven build process, like this

mvn clean install

However, running the tests will require to have an IPFS and an AEG wallet instance running. Please follow the instructions for the mixed setup to get this going.
