Aegis Issue Tracker
Issue Tracker for various Aegis Gaming Servers
This is the issue tracker for all things Aegis. All issues MUST be posted here to be addressed. Furthermore, all issues MUST follow the guidelines in this readme otherwise they will be ignored.
- Make the title as short and descriptive as possible. A summary of your issue
- Add the label for the server in the title (or pack depending on the issue). For example, if the issue is you cannot see chat on the Gaia server, write the title as "[Gaia] Cannot see global chat" THE LABEL IS REQUIRED, IF YOU FORGET THE LABEL, YOUR ISSUE WILL BE CLOSED
- Paste any error report or long text documents onto something like Pastebin or Hastebin
- Write as detailed as you can the steps to how you are getting this issue. If we can not replicate the issue, it will be closed and consider not existant.
- Do not bump an issue. The older an issue is, the higher priority it has. Bumping your issue will reset that timer.
- Be Responsive! Do not leave us hanging on the issue. please respond to any questions asked in a timely maner.