Aerochimps / aerochimps-dot-com

Aerochimps Website.
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Aerochimps Website.

What you need to run in local:

If you'r lost in that list above... I will help you. Just follow this steps:

1. Apache server:

This project is running using some php includes. Because of that you need a local server running. We're using MAMP. If you are a Windows user, try WAMP

2. NodeJS

We're using Bower and Compass. And both need Noje.js to run. Just go to install the pack to you OS. Right now this is all you need to know about it. :D

3. Bower

Bower manange all the pack/plugins/extensions used in the project. Go to the, follow the stpes to install it. (You will need to do it via command line. Don't be scared. It's easy.)

4. Compass

We're compiling all styles using compass. It means you will never change any of .css files. All the time you will work in .scss files. Anyway, go to and follow the steps to install it.

To run it:

First of all you need to make sure you put the project folder inside of the folder where Apache is running (Take a look in preferences of MAMP/WAMP. It's easy to find what folder is that).

After that, turn on your apache server. You will be able to access http://localhost:8888 and see the folder of our project. (But wait. Things aren't working yet.)

Now you need open your and navigate until the project folder. Inside of our project folder you will use bower install. It install all dependencies used in our project.

After that in the same folder you need to use compass watch. This will make compass compile all .scss files in .css files

Ok, that's it. Now refresh your browser and everything will be working fine (If you do everything right, obviously)