Afrostream / afrostream-back-end

Simple backo for afrostream
1 stars 0 forks source link


this project is the main REST API this project should be renamed => afrostream-api <=

                                        |                       |
                                        | BROWSER: React APP    <---------+
                                        |                       +---------|
                                        |                       |        ||
                                        |                       |        ||
                                        +-----------------------+        ||
                                                 ||                      ||
                      |                                                                                                                |
                      |           C D N (highwinds)                   C D N (highwinds)                  C D N (highwinds)             |
                      |                                                                                                                |
                      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+       |
                                                 ||                      ++                                                    |       |
                                                 ||               +only used for ser^er                                        | C D N |
                                                 ||               |rendering (SEO)                                             |       |
                                                 ||               |      ++                                                    |       |
                                        +--------v--------------+ | +----v---------------+    +----------------------+         |       |   +---------------------------+
                                        |                       | | |                    |    |                      <---------+       +---+                           |
                                        | afrostream+frontend   +-v-> afrostream+api+V1  +---->                      |         |       |   | ANDROID APP               |
                                        |                       |   |                    |    |                      +---------+       +--->                           |
                                        |  (nodejs web ser^er   <---+      (proxy)       <----+                      |         |       |   +---------------------------+
                                        |   + client react app) |   |                    |    |                      |         |       |
                                        +---+-------------------+   +--------------------+    |  AFROSTREAM+BACKEND  |         |       |   +---------------------------+
                                                                                              |                      <---------+       +---+                           |
                                                                                              |                      |         |       |   | IOS APP (tapptic)         |
                                                                                              |                      +---------+       +--->                           |
                                           +--------------------------------------------------+                      |         |       |   +---------------------------+
      +--------------------------+         |-------------------------------------------------->                      |         | C D N |
      |                          <----------|                +-------------------------------->                      |         |       |   +---------------------------+
      | Export Algolia           |         ||                | +------------------------------|                      <---------+       +---+                           |
      |                          +----------|                | |                 +------------>                      |         |       |   | ROKU                      |
      +--------------------------+         ||                | |                 | +----------+                      +---------+       +--->                           |
                                           ||                | |                 | |          +-------+-------^------+         |       |   +---------------------------+
      +--------------------------+         ||                | |                 | |                  |       |                |       |
      |                          <----------|                | |                 | |                  |       |                |       |
      | Export Orange Search     |         ||                | |                 | |                  |       |                |       |
      |                          +----------|         +------+-v------+   +------+-v------+   +-------v-------+------+         |       |
      +--------------------------+         ||         |               |   |               |   |                      |         |       |
                                           ||         |               |   |               |   |                      |         | C D N |
      +--------------------------+         ||         | B I L L I N G |   |      P F      |   |    D A T A B A S E   |         |       |
      |                          <----------|         |               |   |               |   |                      |         |       |
      | Export Orange CI         |         ||         |               |   |               |   |                      |         |       |
      |                          +----------|         |               |   |               |   |                      |         |       |
      +--------------------------+         ||         +------+-^------+   +------+-^------+   +-------^-------+------+         |       |
                                           ||                | |                 | |                  |       |                |       |
      +--------------------------+         ||                | |                 | |                  |       |                |       |
      |                          <----------|                | |                 | |                  |       |                |       |
      | Export Bouygues Ingrid   |         ||                | |                 | |          +-------+-------v------+         |       |    +--------------------------+
      |                          +----------+                | |                 | |          |                      <---------+       +----+                          |
      +--------------------------+                           | |                 | +----------+                      |         | C D N |    | BOUYGUES+MIAMI           |
                                                             | |                 +------------>                      +---------+       +---->                          |
                                                             | +------------------------------|                      |         |       |    +--------------------------+
                                                             +-------------------------------->                      |         |       |
                                                                                              |                      |         |       |    +--------------------------+
                                                                                              |                      <---------+       +----+                          |
                                                                                              |AFROSTREAM+BACKEND+BOX|         |       |    | ORANGE+NEW+BOX           |
                                                                                              |                      +---------+       +---->                          |
                                                                                              |                      |         |       |    +--------------------------+
                                                                                              |                      |         |       |
                                                                                              |                      |         |       |    +--------------------------+
                                                                                              |                      <---------+       +----+                          |
                                                                                              |                      |         |       |    | ORANGE+MIB4              |
                                                                                              |                      +---------+       +---->                          |
                                                                                              +----------------------+         |       |    +--------------------------+
                                                                                                                               |       |
                                                                                                                               |       |


default dev port : 5702

Getting started with docker

docker build -t afrostream/afrostream-backend .
docker run -i -t --net=host --init afrostream/afrostream-backend:latest

Getting Started local dev without docker

you need node 6.x

npm install

run it on your own computer (dev env) with your own database

node server.js

run it on your own computer but using the staging database !

node staging.js  





On dev environment, you need to seed the database at least once

export SEED_DB=true && npm run dev


PlateformVideo -> backend

POST /api/jobs/catchup-bet/
  sharedSecret: "...",
  xml: "...",
  pfContentId: 424242
  caption: [ "http://.../", "http://.../...en.vtt" ]

backend -> afrostream-jobs

POST /api/job

afrostream-jobs -> backend

POST /api/catchup/bet
  sharedSecret: "...",
  xml: "...",
  pfContentId: 4242
  caption: [ "http://.../", "http://.../...en.vtt" ]

test the catchup api using curl :

curl -v -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Basic ZGV2OmRldg==" --data '{"sharedSecret":"62b8557f248035275f6f8219fed7e9703d59509c","xml":"http://localhost:47611/fake.xml","pfContentId":1316}' http://localhost:5602/api/jobs/catchup-bet

test creation catchup job ok & fail :

curl -v -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --data '{"sharedSecret":"62b8557f248035275f6f8219fed7e9703d59509c","xml":"http://o/bet/SOUL_TRAIN_AWARDS_2015-0001.xml","pfContentId":"1522","captions":[""]}'
curl -v -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --data '{"sharedSecret":"62b8557f248035275f6f8219fed7e9703d59509c","xml":"http://o/bet/SOUL_TRAIN_AWARDS_2015-0001.xml","pfContentId":"424242","captions":[""]}'



This project was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator version 2.1.1.

and heavily modified.

Take a look at

if you are curious, you should look at branch api-v2


build tools are included as npm dependencies (not devDependecies) in order to be able to build on heroku using npm postinstall (Heroku default behavior is to npm install --production) If you change heroku by doing : heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false you will end in : ! Timed out compiling Node.js app (15 minutes) ! See on the npm install.