AfterHoursProjects / Clue-Solver

Clue Solver
5 stars 1 forks source link


See Project Site for reports and api

Building the Workspace

  1. Run the command from console mvn eclipse:eclipse
    • If your build for myeclipse the command is mvn eclipse:myeclipse
    • If you need to undo the generation use mvn eclipse:clean
  2. After the command is run you should be able to import the project as you normally do from the git repositories view or from. File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace
  3. For more information about the changes Maven Eclipse Generator

Build Instructions



  1. Clone full repo from git
  2. Navigate to the base directory of git repo.
  3. Run command 'mvn clean package'
    • This will run all tests and should produce project artifacts

Generating Enunciate

  1. Run mvn clean site from root of project

Clue Solver Rest

Rest Server Tech/Dependencies

Api Docs

After running mvn clean site the full API docs should be available in the directory Clue-Solver-Rest/target/site/wsdocs/index.html Navigating from this site will also allow you to download any of the generated code libraries The site is full navigable from the html in the target directory, does not need to be deployed to a server