Afternote / snipd

A note collecting browser extension
MIT License
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Snipd 🔫

Problem Statement / Motivation

With all the browsers and internet, information access is all available through mostly websites and ebooks (in browser readable PDF format). To keep track of collective information buried in parts across multiple websites and documents can be challenging, especially when researching a topic. However, as the number of highlights increases, it can become cluttered and challenging to keep track of them, while also staying focused.

User Story

While preparing for our semester-end exams by studying from multiple sources like PDFs, websites, etc- making notes, highlighting important points, maintaining track of all sources and share is all done manually and can be a bit of an over-work, but we still end up doing it because its easier to revise if everything is in one place.

Annoting and storing text, images and links made easier

Snipd is a note collecting browser extension which stores all the highlighted texts, images from PDFs/websites, links, and notes. All these snippets are stored within multiple collections where each collection is focused for a specific topic. Through a central collection page, They can be managed and quickly browsed with support for exporting to PDFs.


Use cases


Firstly, clone the repo

git clone

and then cd into the folder and do :

npm install

followed by to build up the popup and notes_page and forward the output to extension directory (all commands are run in root directory and works because npm workspaces)

npm run buildall

When the first build is done, Open chrome://extensions in your chrome browser and set the developer mode as on, Install the extension by Loading Unpacked and selecting the ./extension directory. This process can be skipped in subsequent builds and Just use reload button in the extension page for each new subsequent build.

How to use

Timeline of the project


MIT License.

Free Software, Hell Yeah!