AgGateway / TraceabilityAPI

Traceable Resource Unit/Critical Tracking Event API specifications
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Traceability API

AgGateway Traceability API enables management of Traceable Resource Units, a Container's State and Item Instances used in the context of Critical Tracking Events.


There is increasing demand for food traceability, ranging from consumers wanting to know where their food comes from (GMO, organic, climate-smart commodities), to manufacturers of agricultural inputs wanting to know the effectiveness of their products as used by farmers.

Existing traceability requirements focus on the supply chain of goods packaged from their origin to retail grocery stores, with regulations provided by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) from the US Food and Drug Administration which suggests used of Critical Tracking Events (CTE) and Key Data Elements (KDE) to manage this challenge.

Excluded from the list of foods, the Food Traceability List, for which additional information is required by FSMA are commingled Raw Agricultural Commodities (RACs) such as grains and milk, which were viewed as a daunting effort to manage.

This OpenAPI specification includes the core concepts of the CTE and TRU, and is intended to simplify implementation through explicit naming while capitalizing on the technical capabilities of code generation, thus accelerating adoption making it easier for the farmer to meet the increasing traceability demands.